Ch 19: Tea with Narcissa Malfoy

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Theodore Nott was in shit.

Deep, utter shit.

He looked at Narcissa Malfoy out of the corner of his eye as he took a seat at the small, round table.

She was dressed for the occasion, in a simple, yet striking black gown and she looked like the epitome of aristocracy.

She fixed her hawk-like eyes on the poor, shivering boy, who accidentally spilt his tea on the table.

"3 minutes,53 seconds late. Theodore."

He did all, but grimaced.

He looked at her once, with all the leftover courage he had.

The Malfoy levelled her gaze.

"A major improvement, I must say." She suddenly broke into fits of laughter, her joy radiating throughout the whole room.

Theo groaned , but joined in with her , wheezing like a madman. Well until the bartender looked at them like they were going to be chucked out any moment now.

"So,uh..Theo, tell me what are you all upto? And don't bother lying,"Narcissa asked as she took a sip of her tea, the remnants of a smile aching to leave her beautiful features.

"Oh god, Cissy. That's definitely a question. How should I begin? a few months ago.."

And so he told her everything .Really ,there was so little he could hide from her.

Ever since his mother died and his father sought to leather belts as the means of conversation, Narcissa Malfoy had served as the strict, yet warm and loving parental figure to Theo. And he could never be more grateful to her.

"So you're telling me that my son is actually in love with the smartest girl ever, whom you also like, and who has been warned to stay away from Draco by he bastard of a husband of mine? And as a result, you saved her from a suicide and now a new girl is in Hogwarts ,who, as you have called her 'the prettiest girl to have ever existed',and she has been sent by the very same arsehole of a husband of mine to woo Draco?"

Theo nodded slowly."That..pretty much sums it up, I guess."

Narcissa groaned."We need to have these talks more often Theo. My brain is aging, it can't handle this much drama!"
Theo chuckled as he said,"You-aging? What nonsense Cissy!"

She shook her head, but smiled warmly.

"Ok ok back to track, Mr. Charmy pants. So:
Step 1: TRY not to kill Lucius."


"Step 2:But I will inform Azkaban that their securities are loosening. Though ,I suppose only Lucius Malfoy can outsmart the dementors' cruelty."

She paused at Theo and looked at him affectionately.

"Theodore, my love, I know what is best for you. And a one-sided love surely isn't. Your stars don't align, Theo. And besides , I know how it feels."

Theo sighed and tried his best to smile. But blinked again.


His head shot up.

"What the f-I mean ,how do you know what a one-sided love feels like?"

She could cuss ,definitely not him.

Well, at least not in front of her.

Cissy sighed and smiled wistfully.

"Well, I was once free from Lucius's clutches Theo.
And it felt like heaven.

It all started on my first train ride to Hogwarts .I had been on my way to the lavatory to change into my robes .Oh but of course being the ever clumsy girl I was ,I tripped over my own foot. And well-"

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