Ch 11: Did we-uh-do something?

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Hermione fluttered her eyes open. The bright beam of sunlight rested on her torso, which was wrapped in a strong pair of arms. The muscles of the arm were relaxed, as if this was it's main purpose.

Hermione smiled and grazed a finger on his left arm and slowly moved up to his neck and-wait a minute.

"OH MY GOD ! WHAT HAPPENNED ? WHY ARE YOU SHIRTLESS?"Hermione shrieked at the top of her lungs as she jumped aside.

"Calm down princess !It's 8 in the morning and oh bloody hell,it's a Sunday for Merlin's sake!"Draco groaned as he covered his ears with a pillow.

"Okay Mr. , Merlin has nothing to do with this. Malfoy, tell me honestly, did we uh-do something? I can't really remember much except you two fighting and us -,"she frowned as a grim expression took over her face at the sour memory. But she was cut off as Draco stared at her. Just stared at her.

"You mean you don't really remember anything? You don't remember the way you begged me to do it? Or the way you screamed my name or that we would always do it or when you promised to call me 'ma-"Draco gasped , his smirk falling from his face as he looked at his princess, who was nearly on the verge of tears.

"Oh my god! Granger I was joking !I WAS JOKING HONEY!NOTHING HAPPENNED!I SWEAR!I PROMISE!OH GOD DON'T CRY!PLEASE DON'T CRY!SORRY SORRY SORRY," Draco pulled her in for a teddy bear hug when he couldn't really do anything else about the crying girl on his bed.

"I hate you,"Hermione huffed angrily, once only the remains of her hiccups could be heard.

"I know Hermione, I know,"Draco grinned as he buried his face in her soft brown curls and kept smiling like an idiot.

"Listen I'm sorry that I did not listen to you Draco , when you said that this was a bad plan. I'm so dumb and naïve, that I thought that I could make it work. I'm sorry that you had to go through so much trouble because of me."Hermione looked down, biting her lip.

"Stop. Don't do that."Draco's eyes grew dark as he looked at her,his face contorted in carnal hunger.

Hermione blinked as she looked up."Huh?"

"Stop biting your  goddamn lip Hermione. If you don't, I promise I'll continue. Well, with a much better version of course."Draco cocked his head and smirked his oh-so-infamous-smirk.

"I-uh," Hermione was beet red in the face.

To her utter pleasure, there was a knock on the door and Draco rolled his eyes as he released her and went off to doze again.

Hermione couldn't find a better reason to not bolt to the door.

Obviously it was Ginny.

"Hullo there Sleepyhead. Ready to go out? Well of course, not. Half an hour, Mione, hurry the hell up,"Ginny looked at the brunette with a pointed glare.

"Go where?"Draco asked from his lazy position at the bed.

"Girl's day out at Hogsmeade, ferret. You have stolen my best friend from me and kept her locked in this -oh my holy moly-wonderful bedroom! Hey come Zabini and I don't have a balcony?"Ginny exclaimed , immediately gushing at the mind-blowing view of the Black Lake from their balcony.

"My mother paid for it,Weaslette,"Draco propped himself up on one elbow, into a more comfortable stance.

"Makes sense. Now go to the bathroom before I Wingardium Leviosa your ass Mione!"Ginny huffed as she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Hermione smiled to herself,"What a chaotic best friend I've gotten myself"

Time Skip:

"Oh my god! Have you even seen this dress?"Ginny gushed as Hermione was dragged from shop to shop. A few feet behind were Luna and Pansy, carrying shopping bags using almost every limb of their body. Luna was beaming and Pansy was cursing loudly because of the load.

Christmas shopping had been highly overdue, they had decided.

"Precisely, where the hell are we going to wear these dresses?"Pansy asked as she quickly caught the tiny bag of god knows what slipping from her right wrist.

Honestly, she should've brought Leo to this. But of course ,he had a boy's hangout the same day.

"We're done, I suppose. Let's go to the Leaky Cauldron. We have A LOT of talking to do!"Ginny smirked as she started running once again.

Luna smiled."That would be awesome!I spotted a few nargles there last time I went with Neville."

Hermione and Pansy looked at each other and shook their heads in mock defeat, shaking with laughter.

~Meanwhile at the Leaky Cauldron~

"So you have a teeny tiny crush on Weaslette, huh?"Draco lifted his eyebrows, appalled at the news.

Yup-Gossip session was ON.

"Teeny tiny my ass! You should see the way he LOOKS at Potty whenever he's with the redhead, you know, doing chachang stuff,"Theo retorted, after giving up trying to kill the annoying mosquito which dared to suck his blood.

"Yeah? So she is the *cough cough* Juliet to your Romeo? The cup to your plate? The chocolate to your frog? The ambrosia to your wounds? The-OW"Leo,the forever drama queen was cut off mid sentence as he got a violent hit on his head by Blaise.

He burst out laughing with Theo.

Draco smirked."Sorry mate but I do agree with these two baboons .And you really shouldn't look when people are doing 'chachang stuff' mate. Even if she is the pain to your OW. Welcome Leo,"

"Oh come on! Will you all just shut up!"Blaise raised his hands as he grew tired from the energy required to cool down his constantly reddening cheeks.

"I know that I shouldn't have told you all."

"Aww, sharing is caring and don't worry, we love you too, baby. And do stop blushing , cause the 14th to your February is coming right towards us."Theo grinned as he waved at the girls.

"Oh-shit-you will all keep qui-"

"Hey Ginny!"Leo chirped up as he stood up and pulled out a chair for her.

Blaise groaned. Oh great.

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