Ch 1: And there it goes

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It was almost dusk as the Hogwarts Express shot at its highest, through the tracks, adamant to reach Hogwarts before the moon shone its light upon the eager, new, anticipated first years as well as the mature and experienced seventh years who had mustered enough courage to return back to a normal life after the War on the grounds of the ancient school itself.

Not surprisingly, there were very few students repeating their 7th year at Hogwarts as not that many had willpower to look at those hallways again, to see crumbs of the castle still missing, to not be able to be the same innocent students as they once were. Of the few repeaters, most were Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, a few Hufflepuffs and needless to say very few Slytherins. The Professors were highly unsatisfied with the count and took it upon themselves a task to banish house chastity among the students and instead promote house unity. Thus all of the teachers spoke to the Headmistress McGonagall and came upon a striking idea-one that would shock the students to the core.

Hermione looked out of the window reveling in the few minutes of silence that Ginny and Ron had so generously provided after taking their quidditch bickering outside where each bought a fair share of chocolates ,immediately popping some into their mouths and Ron obviously choking on them. Ginny quickly waved her wand and his choking stopped, but with an outthrown slug writhing on the floor-a sight which made the Trolley Lady almost faint right there on the spot.(We won't let him die. Yet.)

'Ah! The Weasleys', she fondly thought as she smiled. As though by clockwork Fred came rushing to her mind. Blood,crying,cursing-it was all so horribly vulgar. Ever since the breakup with Ronald, Hermione had tried to rebuild herself, her life , her personality-everything about it, but she always felt as if something was missing- a void in her heart; which she thought had to be filled with up something special or rather someone special if she did allow her intrusive thoughts to take over. But she had no idea that for that to happen-she had to let go of the past.

To change the subject, scowling at herself, Hermione turned to the Boy Who Just Wouldn't Die, who was seated on the opposite seat-drooling and muttering something about a Marauder's Map and Hogsmeade.

"Say Harry, have you heard anything about the new change that's going to take place this year?  I haven't read about a change in the curriculum of Hogwarts rules in Hogwarts: A History.",Hermione turned up her head from the book she was reading to see Harry slightly awake after the question, yawning as he stretched his arms above his head-only to lie in a better position again.

"No 'Mione ,I haven't. But I heard Seamus telling Dean that it has something to do with house unity. And of course Luna thinks it has to do something with the Nargles-how lonely they are and all. Hullo, where are you off to?",drawled on Harry as he looked at her, his eyes a bit more open. 

"Ah! The castle is approaching-I'm going to change into my robes now. You should get along too Harry. Wouldn't want to miss the Sorting Ceremony again-would you?"Hermione said getting up as she longed for some fresh air. Her head was clouded as she walked to the lavatory with robs in her hand not seeing where was headed to. All of a sudden, her robes went flying and she started to fall backwards in slow motion, her eyes widening as she wasn't touching the floor just yet.

A pair of magnificent grey orbs met her soft brown warm ones. Her savior's platinum blond hair fell over his eyes, giving him an effortless sheen. A pair of strong arms gripped her waist tightly. A devilish handsome smirk crept up to Draco Malfoy's face as his lips moved nonchalantly to mouth the words,"Falling, are you?"

The reality of the situation broke the tension as Hermione quickly stood up, regaining her posture but her voice and octave higher than usual and her heartbeat not quite audible to her presence of mind.

"Malfoy",she coughed out picking up her robes from the ground."Granger. Good to see you back.",Draco Malfoy replied almost smiling.

'Merlin pants !-he looks so charm-NO-ferrety ferrety ferrety ! Bad Mione! Bad Mione!',Hermione shook her had to rid herself of those thoughts as she fixated on the blonde, nodding politely as she walked past him, turning around for one last look, when she caught him already giving her a fleeting glance. They averted their eyes and walked away.

'Oh Merlin this year's gonna be hell of a ride',Hermione thought to herself as she closed the door to the lavatory.


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