Ch 18: Just Another Meet-Cute

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(A/N: Theo is smiling. Warning ! All ladies to put your sunglasses on or you'll be blinded by the beauty of him...)

Theo cursed not too softly as he raced up the alley of a weird lane with unfamiliar shop signs feeding on his ever-confused brain. Hogsmeade would be the death of him someday. Well, actually, if he couldn't appear in front of Narcissa in apparently,8 minutes 32 seconds at Madame Puddifoot's ,then Narcissa Malfoy would be the death of him.

But of course ,the Fates are too busy picking at their manicured nails to pay attention to such a dire problem let alone make it more insufferable.

Unaware of his surroundings in his mini-Olympic race , Theo bumped into a brick wall.

Why the hell was there a brick wall in the middle of the road?
Strange, where did the top of the brick wall go?

"Oh crud, watch where you're g-"

Theo stared into a pair of striking ice-blue orbs, which dilated in a beautiful manner when they met with his emerald green ones. Her nose was pointed at a sharp, grazing angle, demanding pride in this vast world where there existed none .His gaze flicked to her luscious cherry red lips, slightly parted in bewilderment.

It was like something inside of him stirred awake and all his gears kicked into action. His brain awakened to a beautiful, soft , yet thrilling and amplifying melody.

His world stopped.


"Hello? Earth to Slytherin boy-are you there?"asked the girl.

"I-uh..yes..of course, beautiful..I-I mean ...the weather is beautiful today, don't you think so?"
Theodore Nott, was, for the first time in his life, speechless.

"For a minute ,I thought that you'd become paralyzed or something .Oh and sorry for the um..",she pointed at the specks of dirt on the front of Theo's robes.

"Oh.. pfft, it's nothing! See, vanished! Really, these robes are magnificent ! course you'd're sort of wearing the..uh .. exact same thing."Theo grinned sheepishly.

"Boy, you're really bad at this, aren't you?"she laughed.

Theo scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well,no.I-uh-mean , I'm actually pretty good at flirting .But of course...uh..that doesn't mean I'm flirting with you! ..Oh god, there's really not a way to cover up for that one, is there?"

It was the girl's turn to blush.

"It's okay .I'm new to Hogwarts actually, so I don't know many people around here .Oh , but , sorry for holding you up! You were in quite a hurry when we crashed into each other."

Oh crap. Narcissa.

He quickly regained his composure and made the best attempt for his infamously charming smile.

He held out his hand, which the girl gripped, softly.

Oh gods, insects in stomach alert.

"Theodore Not. Charmiest (A/N: Chill people. I like to make new words) person alive. But I've gotta go now !I guess I'll see you around."

He started to sprint again, but quickly stopped in his tracks.

He actually was bad at this, wasn't he? Had he literally forgotten to ask the prettiest girl he'd ever seen's name?

He grimaced and peered over his shoulder to see her shaking in fits of laughter, her lovely blonde hair swaying.

"Sylvia Stone,"she smiled shyly and walked away towards the castle.

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