Ch 12: Truth or Dare

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"Hey Leo! Pansy's right behind us! I see the boys are all having a beer talk day-huh?"Ginny grinned as she walked up to the Slytherins sitting at the far most end table, rather lazily-it seemed.

'Well except Zabini',she thought, who for some reason was all flustered and jumpy.'Hmph, cute'

Ginny frowned at herself and hastily excused herself for a moment.

"Hi there-Granger.Would you all like to join us? We're pretty unpreoccupied at the moment,"Draco smirked mischievously at Blaise, who facepalmed.

A smirk which Hermione failed to not notice and her own heartbeat skyrocketed at a dangerous rate.  Those stupid hormones are at work again.

She looked at the others for confirmation.

"We'd love to!"Luna beamed."Have you spotted any nargles around here Theo?"

"Hell yeah babies!"Pansy smirked.

By the time the waiter returned with their drinks, Ginny was back.

And when she saw that there was no other seat left at the table, except the one opposite to Zabini's, she mentally facepalmed.

So what if she had had a gigantic, ginormous crush on him when she was younger?She was totally over him now. Nope, no feelings. Nada nada. Fuck, why was he biting his goddamn lip.

Well, the War changed everything, didn't it? And there was Harry, whom she loved by all means. But she couldn't stop staring out of the window at the falling snow as she thought of Harry.

The Harry who had been so attached, cheerful, lovely, friendly when they started dating. But lately, it all felt ..forced,or..or dull somehow. She wouldn't dare say....but...maybe. And she couldn't even remember the last date they went to or any gift she got from everyone's Golden Boy.

"Earth to Ginny? Do you want to order something?"Hermione snapped a finger in front of her redhead friend, who was lost in her faraway dream land.

"I..uh..yes-I'll have firewhisky, a bit of tonic as well."Ginny blinked as she regained her composure.

No, she was out to have fun with her friends. And she was going to have fun. Yup, and probably get drunk out of her fricking mind. But not the point.

The point was that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were staring at each other. She smirked.

Occlumency, huh?

'You know, you should really get a camera. Click photos so that you don't have to follow me around all day."Draco smirked.

'Oh please Malfoy-like I don't have things better to do than follow 'you' around. For your information I already finished next month's essay on' Wolfsbane'.Still think you can beat me ?'

'Sweetheart, I finished it yesterday.'

'Huh-bu-but-that's impossible.'

'Oh and that's not cute. Okay a bit .But what is cuter is that you were talking about it in your dreams. For a moment, I thought you were mumbling 'You're gay, you're gay' into my arm'

Draco's eye crinkled at the corners, while Hermione grew as red as a tomato.

'INTO HIS ARM!HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER-ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH THIS FERRET!?'Hermione's and Draco's eyes widened as they sensed the third voice in their conversation. They immediately looked at Ginny.

"Oh look! The lovely lovely drinks are here!"Ginny announced as they all grew conscious of the waiter coming towards them with a large plate of drinks.

Her eyes glowed with mischief and amusement.

As the waiter went away, Leo said,"Let's play a friendly game of Truth or Dare! Shall we ladies and gentlemen? Just a Gryffindor-Slytherin bonding game.

Theo put his elbows on the soft mahogany of the table and his chin in the crook of his palms.

"I'm all in baby."

Luna and Pany grinned at each other."Let's!"

The others all shrugged and nodded and so, Leo finished his firewhisky at one go. Yes he did. And spun the empty bottle with one hand , with his other hand around Pansy's shoulder.

The bottle landed on Theo and Hermione.

"Okay,Hermione-truth or dare?"Theo asked as he smiled.

"Uh..oh let all hell break loose,Dare!"Hermione plopped into her chair and sighed ,laughing.

They all gasped at her.

"Hermione Granger wants to be 'Daring'.Oh my god, I thought I'd never live to see the day!"Pansy laughed along with the others.

"Okay okay, let's calm down people.Granger-your dare is...uh.."Theo smirked.

"You're killing me here Theo. Hurry the hell up!"Hermione moaned as she took a long sip of her butterbeer.

"Kiss Malfoy ,on the lips. That's your dare. And if you can't do that, you have to answer the truth, which one of the Slytherin boys is the handsomest" Theo smirked , yet again ,much to Hermione's annoyance .

"You all" Hermione sighed.

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