chapter fifty nine

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You sat there in the waiting room. Quietly. Hearing the hospital monitors beeping.


"I-I need to get to the park!" "I'll drive you there!" Ae Cha and you ran to her car and you gave her the directions.

You arrived at the park, "let me find a parking sp—" you jumped out of the car while it was moving slowly, "Ji Hyun!" You ran to the scene, there were scene tapes everywhere.

"Hold on lady!" "Let me get through! Please!" You noticed the blood on the ice "Ji Hyun!" Ha Joon ran to you. You instantly saw the blood on his knuckles, and his beat up face.

"That's my boyfriend! I know him! Please let me see him!"  "Lady! There isn't nothing! They haven't pulled him out yet!" Your stomached dropped, you were about to fall to your knees until Ha Joon gave you support.

You stared at the group of medics surrounding the spot. One medic came out of the water in a suit, pulling someone out with him.

You gasped, "Seung Ho!" You cried loudly, you escaped the officer. "Hey!!" You ran to the ice but the medic stopped you "the ice is unstable!" "Please that's my boyfriend!" You begged, they carried him to the stretcher.

You ran to him, "Seung Ho..." you cried, you tried touching him but he was ice cold. "I need you to move ma'am!" They shoved you to the side, they were checking his pulses, "he's barely alive. We need to get him to the hospital" the boarded him onto the ambulance.

You tagged along with them.

"Let's go!" "Seung Ho, I'm here. Baby, I'm here..." you cried softly, holding his hand tightly not caring about the icy feeling.

Once arrived at the hospital, they immediately took him to the emergency. You checked in first and you waited impatiently around the waiting room.

Ae Cha and Ha Joon came running.

"Ji Hyun!" You hugged Ae Cha tightly "have they told you anything?" "Not yet. His brother is coming" you said shaking.

"Are you here for Park Seung Ho" "y-yes," you nodded. "Park is alive" you sighed heavily from relief "barely. But he is alive. The doctors are trying their best to get his body back to a manageable temperature..."

"But he was in there for quite awhile. So it caused some damages to his physical body" "like?" Ae Cha asked " the cold water caused some respiratory difficulties since it triggered something called "cold shock response," which can cause you to drown in an instant." He explained.

"Park almost died from hypothermia. But we managed to get him out time. But he's still in a life or death situation. I'm sorry" you started crying.

"Please excuse me," he walked away.

"Ji Hyun—" "what did you do!?" You shouted at him "he went there to go talk to you!" "We got into a fight. And I guess the ice weakened because I smashed him into the ice" your eyes widened.

You slapped him, "Ji Hyun," Ae Cha pulled you away from him. "Get out of my face! Get the hell out! I don't wanna see you ever again!" Ha Joon's eyes saddened and walked away. You walked away and sat down and cried, "I'll be right back" Ae Cha went after Ha Joon.

"Ha Joon," "I don't need your—" she cut him off. "Don't be sassy with me Ha Joon. You broke our friend group.. but look, Ji Hyun is going through something right now. She isn't thinking straight, it's better if you try to talking to her when she isn't sensitive."

"And if she doesn't want to?" "Then suck it up. Because it all depends whatever the doctors say about Seung Ho. Let's hope Ji Hyun doesn't bring hell to you, she will do anything to hurt you."

Ae Cha walked away.

You sat there biting on your finger nails. Ae Cha sat next to you rubbing your back for comfort.

"What if-what if he doesn't make Ae Cha? What if —" Ae Cha cut you off, "don't think like that Ji Hyun... we all know how stubborn Seung Ho is, even death won't knock him down."

Your eyes widened.

Death... what if..? No, the spirit said Seung Ho was given the chance, the gods couldn't possibly change their minds...? Right?

"Ji Hyun!" You heard Seo Joon's voice from the hall way, he came with Ha Rin. You hugged Seo Joon, "I'm so sorry Seo Joon..." you cried in his arms.

You could feel Seo Joon's trembling, "it's alright. He'll be alright," yet, how could he act calmer than you? How?

You all sat down together. "His parents?" "They... prefer not to come" Ha Rin replied, you clenched your fists "of course..." you mumbled to yourself.

Hours went by, you noticed the sun was rising from the window. You forced Ae Cha to go home since she insisted to stay but you knew she was getting tired and she'd be in trouble if she didn't go home.

Ha Rin went back home to get clothes for Seo Joon. Seo Joon was asleep.

You came back from getting a snack at the vending machine. You saw Seung Ho's doctor, he came up to you.

"I was looking for you," "his brother is right there" "we tried waking him up. But he insisted you to go in first" "I'm sorry?" You were confused.

"Mr. Park is not in risk anymore. You're allowed to go see him" he smiled, you immediately slid the door open quietly. He was sound asleep, he slept like his older brother.

You took a seat next to him, you hesitantly touched him... that cold feeling wasn't there anymore but replaced with warmth. You started to cry silently.

"Seung Ho..." you whispered, you felt a hand gently touch you cheek. Your eyes opened out of shock, Seung Ho wiped your tears away.

"Why are you crying?" Your tear drops have fallen on his face "I was so scared" you continued to cry. "Don't cry, please, don't cry" his eyes were getting teary. You hugged him, "don't ever do something so stupid!"

"I'm sorry," Seung Ho moved your hair out the way and kissed you "that's enough you love birds" you pulled away and saw Seo Joon stranding in the door way, Seung Ho noticed his red puffy eyes.

Seo Joon hugged him tightly, "you're such an idiot!" Seung Ho smiled and returned the hug.

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