chapter twenty nine

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I was in the cafeteria with Ha Joon. "Ji Hyun! Ji Hyun!" Se Cha ran thought the cafeteria, she hugged me tightly.

"Careful, I'll drop my food!" I yelled, carefully holding my lunch tray tightly to not drop it. "What's wrong?" She finally let go of me.

"This!" She shoved a paper in my face. I backed up a little so I can read the paper, "music completion on June 21st?"

"It's a week away. We have enough time to practice!" "We?" I questioned "it needs two or more people to enter! Please Ji Hyun!" She begged, she gave me the puppy eyes.

I sighed, "I don't know Ae Cha. I have school and work, and then practice? It'll be alot" I told her walking with them to an empty table.

"Plus the semester is ending next month" you pointed out "we should focus on studying than a dumb competition" Ae Cha sighed, "I guess you're right" I noticed her changed mood.

I sighed, and set my hand on her shoulder. "What did you have in mind then?" I gave her a small smile, she gasped and hugged me tightly afterward. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She screamed.

Myung Seouk picked at his ear, "god that girl can scream" Myung Seouk commented "just ignore them. They're probably talking about the school competition, judging by the paper in her hand" Da Chul lifted his glasses like a smartie.

"Competition?" Seung Ho asked "oh yeah, forget you're new here. Every year, the school holds a competition, specifically a music competition. And every year, the winner is able to go to a great beach in Busan, payed by the school" Da Chul explained.

"They seem confident" Bong Joon said, Seung Ho looked over to me.

Now why would she want to go to a beach in the first place?

School ended, I was walking with my friends. "Oh, right! I'll be right back!" I ran back inside the school and searched for him, I finally found him refilling his water bottle.

"There you are" I smiled and walked to him "what?" Seung Ho glanced at me. "Thank you for helping me learn how to swim" I thanked him, he stayed quiet. "We only had one lesson though?" "It's enough for me to get a passing grade!"

"I'll bring you some eggos tonight. If that's alright?" "Sure" I said bye to him and caught up with Ha Joon and Ae Cha.

"So a duet?" Ha Joon asked us "mhm! I've had singing lessons! And I remember you've done violin lessons back in junior high!"

"I did?" I scratched my head "I really don't remember those years to be honest" I laughed awkwardly. "You did! That's how I acknowledged you, Ji Hyun! You were amazing at the violin!"

I really don't remember playing the violin.

Ae Cha left to get to her bus. Ha Joon and I walked together alone back to the neighborhood.

"You really don't remember playing the violin?" I nodded no "I would've. I'll just ask my parents" I answered. Ha Joon dropped me off, I walked around to find my parents but couldn't.

I opened a closet and found a photo book album. "I'm sure I couldn't at least find one photo here" I looked through the photos but couldn't find any of me with a violin.

"They must've seen a different girl, cause it wasn't me" I started putting the album back up until another box fell on my face. "Gah!!" The box flopped off me, "what the hell!" I cursed "huh?" I opened the box gently and found a violin inside.

My eyes widened.

I recall okay the violin...?

I picked up the violin. It's pretty brown color was fading a little, and it was very dusty. I blew on it and the dust went everywhere, I sneezed.

A smile came to my face, I picked up the violin bow. I set the side of my chin on top of the violin, I set my bow against its strings, I tried playing it but it was out of tune.

"Yikes, I should tune it first before I try to" I tuned it a little and finally put it to the test again. I stood in front of my mirror, and I set my fingers on the simplest cords that I do remember.

I started playing for a good minute, a smile grew on my face. And I remembered how much I loved playing the violin.

I grabbed my phone and texted Ae Cha that I do remember playing and I found my violin.

'That's great! Can we start practice tmrw!?' And I responded it with a definitely.

I forgot I have to drop off some eggos!

I changed out of my uniform and went to the store to buy some eggos. And after that I headed to Seung Ho's. I opened the gate and knocked on the door.

"Miss Ji Hyun, the young master is expecting you" I walked in "Seung Ho!" You called out, he came down stairs. I showed him the bags of eggos "great, you brought them. I was craving some" he took a bag from me. We walked to the kitchen.

He opened up a box and start making some. I sat down, "heard your joining the competition" "word got around already?" Seung Ho nodded. "So what're you guys planning?" "Mmm, a duet. Ae Cha is going to be singing and I'm going to be playing the violin" Seung Ho stared at me with a blank face.

"What?" "You know how to play the violin?" "Mhm!" I nodded proudly "didn't expect that" "how come?" "Never seen any photos of you playing or heard you" "there isn't any that's why."

"There isn't?" I nodded no "and I stopped playing I'm assuming. I don't know why but I just did" it was quiet.

"Can you get out my house now?" I frowned and slapped him with the eggos box. "Is that Kim Ji Hyun, in my house once again?" I became annoyed.

I know that voice.

It was Seo Joon, coming down in a robe with Ha Rin.

Why is he always in a robe??

"Hello," I bowed my head "you brought eggos" Ha Rin took Seung Ho's and bit it "that was mine" Seung Ho glared at her. "Hey, hey no fighting. In this house, it's all about sharing!" Seo Joon yelled affectionately.

"Oh~! You're so poetic!" Ha Rin hugged him, I sat there in silence confused.

Nothing about that was poetic.

I looked at Seung Ho slowly, he signaled me to come with his head. Ha Rin and Seung Ho were too busy making out, I followed Seung Ho outside.

We stepped into a indoor green house.

"You have a greenhouse?" "Belongs to my mom, but I usually come in here to get away from them" Seung Ho shut the door.

"It's so pretty in here. Smells like nature" I said "no duh, it's plants" he said with his smart mouth. I crouched down to look at a cactus, I touched it gently to not prick me.

"Ji Hyun," I stood up and turned around, I brushed my chest against his,"oops" I stepped back. The moon was shunning on him, my eyes grew.

"Yes?" My cheeks started to burn, I stepped a little closer.

"Can you move?"

I froze, "what." "Can you move? I have to water that cactus?" He lifted up a watering can, my ears started fuming, I shoved him to the side "I'm heading home!" I stormed out of the green house, Seung Ho was confused but disregarded me, and started watering the cactus.

I got home. I looked through the bills, eomma was adding money, and so was I, and sometimes Jae Hyun. But it still wasn't enough, the month where I met Seung Ho is coming in fast.

I pouted.

But a genuine smile grew on my face.

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