chapter thirty eight

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A week has passed, and I was walking through the halls reading my beautiful BL book. But I had a fake cover so nobody knew I had a book like that.

"Oh em gee... he's taking care of him cause he's sick... that's so adorable" I mumbled to myself, I bumped into someone dropping my book, "oh Seung Ho!" I picked up my book.

"Didn't pay attention to my surroundings, my b— what the hell happened to you!?" Once I saw his pale face I freaked, he coughed "sick" his voice sounded rough and patchy. "Then why are you here?? Shouldn't you be home resting?" He nodded no.

"Seo Joon isn't home, he left the country with Ha Rin. For some music thing, he off—*cough* offered to stay but I told him no" he explained sickly "I think you should head home though, make some tea, get into warm clothes and get rest" I instructed. He nodded no. Stubborn as always.

"I'm fine, I have a big exam in my next class" he said stubbornly "you can take it another time. Go h—" "Ji Hyun," he shut me up. I sighed, "come here" he took a step "I meant come down" I grabbed his head and pulled him down, I checked his temperature.

He stared at me while I was looking away.

Am I burning because of my cold, or—

I caught his eyes, "please go home Seung Ho sunbae, please" I begged, he covered his coughing. "Alright" he headed to the office.

Hope he gets better soon.

Some hours went by, and I was in lunch with Ae Cha and Ha Joon.

"It's so weird to not see the king of the school around" Ae Cha said chewing her food "do you know why he didn't come?" Ae Cha asked, I nodded no.

I got a message, I looked at my phone. It was a unknown number, saying "hello Ji Hyun" I opened it and replied with a who is this.

"Whats wrong?" "Got a message from someone" I replied, I started getting a call, it was the number. I groaned.

"I'll be right back" I stepped out of the cafeteria, I answered it. "Hello" "hii~ Ji Hyun" my face frowned, it was Seo Joon. "What is it?" "What's with the mood tone?" "I'm at school, trying to eat. Get to the point" "alright alright. So Seung Ho is sick."

"Yup. Saw him at school today and sent him home because he didn't look well" I replied "well... when Seung Ho gets sick... he gets sick really badly" "oh?"

Well if I'm honest, Seung Ho never got sick. Maybe a small cold but that's it.

"Alright, so why are you calling me?" "Can you leave school and go check on Seung Ho?" "Wat."

"I know. But he's my brother and I'm worried, and you're the only one I trust around him and in the house" I sighed "I'll go then," "thank you so much."

I was about to go tell Ae Cha and Ha Joon, but decided it's better to just go.

I grabbed my bag and left the school campus. By going through the small hole I showed Seung Ho before.

I took the bus to Seung Ho's place. I knocked on the door.

A butler opened it, "Miss Ji Hyung?" "Seo Joon oppa sent me over" he let me in, "where is he?" "In his bedroom, he won't allow us to go in."

If he won't let you, why would he even let me in?

I went up the stairs and went to his door, I knocked on it.

"I told you I don't want your guys *cough cough* help!" "It's me, Seung Ho. Ji Hyun" it was quiet, the door slowly opened. I saw him, he looked terrible.

"What're you doing here?" "Your brother. Seung Ho, why aren't you letting them help you?" My eyes saddened "I don't want them touching me" "Seung Ho, you need to get better" we stepped inside his room, I shut the door.

Seung Ho took a seat on his bed. I took out my chapstick, "apply this to your lips" he grabbed it, I removed my shoes. "Get comfortable" I took off my school blazer, and lifted up my school sleeves.

I came back up with steaming water, and a rag. Seung Ho fell asleep, I got on my knees and put the wet rag on his forehead.

He's so damn stubborn, for what.

I got up and left.

Seung Ho later slowly woke up, he looked around. He sat up, "Ji Hyun?" He got up fast and looked around the second floor "Ji Hyun?" He hurried down the stairs.

"Ji Hyun!?" "Master Seung Ho, please go back—" "where's Ji Hyun?" "She left—" Seung Ho ran out of the house, he was sweating badly, there was a gush of wind.

He started breathing hard badly.

"Seung Ho?" His body froze and he turned around instantly, I stood there with bags, I walked up to him. "Why are you outside, and barefoot!?"

"Where'd you go?" He disregarded my worried ness "I went to the store.. to get meat. They didn't have the meat that your prefer at your place" I showed him the bags.

"Let's... let's go inside" we both walked inside.

The butler brought him slippers and a blanket to wrap himself with. He sat the huge island table, while I started preparing his soup.

"*Cough cough* why didn't you let me know you left?" "You were knocked out, and how could I wake you up for something small?" "I could've had someone take you. It's getting colder" he answered. I rolled my eyes and turned to him.

"I may look like a child. But we both know I'm far from it" I glared at him, I started cutting the vegetables "let someone else do it. You're a g—" I cut him off. "Your brother specifically said me, and only I know how you like it."

Seung Ho sat there in silence. I felt him staring, I sighed "what Seung Ho?" "Why'd you come?" "What else? Your brother asked me to" I dropped the vegetables into the stockpot.

"Just that?" I stayed silent, "yes, just that" it was back to silence. And it stayed like that until the food was done, I brought him a bowl.

"It's really hot, so be careful" "madam" the butler came to us "master Seung Ho, is sick, he's weak. Feed him" my jaw dropped "f-feed him?" I glanced at Seung Ho, "it's *cough cough* fine. I can do—" "no no! If that's what I'm suppose to do, then fine!" I picked up the spoon and got a spoonful of it.

I blew on it, "Ji Hyun, I can—" "shut it."

He waited for me to finish blowing on it, "open," he opened up and I fed him. "It's a little s—" "I'll burn your whole face with this bowl" I continued to feed him.

I helped Seung Ho back to bed. "And don't get up recklessly this time" I grabbed my bag "where are you going?" "Home?" I looked down at him in his bed, "hope you get better" I was about to walk way until I was stopped.

I hesitated but looked back at my hand that was being held. I looked Seung Ho, confused.

"Seung Ho?"

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