chapter thirty three

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You packed your things, "must be nice to be able to get a break huh?" Eomma had her arms crossed and watched you pack. "It's only a three day weekend, eomma. And I've been working hard at school and work, I deserve it."

"Well you better work extra hard once you come back" she walked away, you rolled your eyes. You grabbed your bags and walked out of the house.

"Ready to go?" Ha Joon was waiting for you outside, you nodded. You both walked to the bus stop, "hey!! I'm here!!" Ae Cha came running with her hand waving in the air.

"Ae Cha, you made it!" You hugged her. "Yeah, sorry!! I was debating on bringing my pink wedges or my yellow ones"

"You're bringing wedges to a beach?" "well yeah! Always have to look cute" that, shes right. "Look the bus is coming!" Ha Joon pointed, the bus arrived and we boarded on the bus together. Ae Cha was able to win a seat.

The bus went on its way, you lost your balance. But someone caught you, "I got you" the voice made you feel safe, and of course it was Ha Joon "thank you" you blushed at him.

Ha Joon and you were able to get seats next to Ae Cha once people started slowly leaving. Your head rested on his shoulder, and Ae Cha's rested on yours.

You both fell asleep through the whole bus ride, Ha Joon stayed up to wake you guys up once you got to your stop.

"Ji Hyun," you slowly woke up to a good looking guy "Ha Joon?" "We're here," you rubbed your eyes. Ha Joon helped you up, you grabbed your bags.

Ae Cha smelled the fresh air, "Busan! It's great to be back here again!" Ae Cha put her hands on her hips. You stretched your arms and legs, "oh yeah, that feels good" you cracked your back.

"There's a taxi! Taxi!!" Ae Cha waved her hand for them to see her, they stopped for you guys. You put your bags into the trunk and went into the back seats. Ae Cha gave them the location.

"So this is the hotel we'll be staying at?" Ae Cha looked at the hotel from the window "it even has a nice view of the beach" Ae Cha pointed out. You looked, and she was definitely right.

"So it's a two bedroom. One for me and one for you two" Ha Joon said "that's so unfair" Ae Cha rolled her eyes "it is. But obviously men and women aren't allowed together, especially high schoolers" Ha Joon glanced at you.

You felt his eyes on you and you felt butterflies.

The taxi arrived at the hotel, "thank you!" You took the bags out and Ae Cha grabbed hers, "here let me help you" he assisted you with your bags "thank you" you smiled only holding one bag.

You guys went to the rooms that the school had for you guys. "I'll be in here if you guys need anything" Ha Joon entered his room, and you and Ae Cha entered yours.

Ae Cja screamed, "it's suite!" Ae Cha danced around, you laughed. You started unpacking your bags, "we definitely have to go to the beach like right now! So get dressed!" Ae Cha went through her bikini luggage's.

"I didn't bring any.. bikini" you mentioned, she gasped. "Who the hell doesn't bring a swim wear to a beach!?" "Well I wasn't planning to swim or anything" you replied nervously, Ae Cha gave you a look.

"Looking at the beach is enough for me!" You complained "don't be such a party pooper!"

I really don't want to swim.

"How about let's go look around first and then we can get ready. Get to know the place" you tried calling her excitement down, but she actually agreed to it. You guys unpacked and stepped out, Ae Cha knocked on Ha Joon's door.

Ha Joon opened it, "you guys already unpacked—" "move!" She shoved him out of the way to see his room. You closed your room door and noticed your next door neighbor, there were bags out.

"I guess they're other people coming to" you entered Ha Joon's place and closed the door behind you. "Ha Joon's place is way smaller" Ae Cha pointed out that "you're two people, obviously" Ha Joon tried defending his room.

"Did you know Ji Hyun didn't bring any swim wear?" She outed you "you didn't?" You nodded slowly "I wasn't planning to go in but watch. But I really love watching!" "Watching a shirtless Ha Joon" Ae Cha whispered to you. You flinched.

You nudged her hardly in her gut, she fell to her knees in pain. "Let's just go look around guys!" You exclaimed trying to change topics.

You guys went walking around the hotel; it had everything. A gym, a restaurant, a inside pool, a hang out place, etc..

"Why is this hotel so huge? You can get lost without knowing where you're going" Ae Cha said, she had a point. Ae Cha gasped "look! A lucky penny!" She bend down and bumped you with her butt, you completely lost your balance.

Your back hit someone's back. "Oops! I'm sorry! Are you alright Ji Hyun!" Ae Cha grabbed your hand and pulled you away "I'm fine. I'm sorry..." he turned around, you were stunned.

".. sir" you finished your sentence, "oh! It's Ji Hyun!" Bong Joon pointed at you, of course it had to be him you bumped into. "Seung Ho sunbae, we didn't know you'd be here" Ae Cha spoke up.

"Yeah... I guess" Seung Ho replied dry "Bong Joon here wanted to come to Busan as well. So we all came" Da Chultookhis glasses off and started cleaning them. "We didn't know you'd guys be at this hotel" Myung Seouk said and then spotted Ae Cha.

She smiled at him, he looked away rapidly. She then saddened, "neither did we" Ha Joon grabbed your hand. Seung Ho scoffed.

He pisses me off.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys" Seung Ho was about to walk away "yeah" Ha Joon was about to walk away with you "would you like to join us?" Ae Cha offered, "Ae Cha!" Ha Joon and you yelled at her.

"Sure, we love to" Bong Joon replied, a vein popped out of Seung Ho's forehead "no. You guys would, I'm going back to the hotel r—" Da Chul grabbed him and squished his hand, Seung Ho winced trying to pull away.

"We all do."

You were walking together, Bong Joon's stromscj growled. "Seung Ho baby, I'm hungry" Bong Joon grabbed his arm "get off of me! And why are you telling me!?" "Pweeeease" you all stared at him.

"F-fine, just get off!" Bong Joon let him go "that's how we get him to do things" Bong Joon said, Seung Ho lead the way to the restaurant.

"How many?" "Seven," Seung Ho was about to give them his card, "here," you gave them cash. "Sorry, I don't really carry cards with me" "It's not much but I feel bad having to you pay fully" you stated, Seung Ho scoffed.

"You think I can't pay it?" "No. I'm very confident, that you can. I just have manners. Unlike some people" you glared at them.

Ha Joon took your money from them, "Ha Joon?" "I'll pay, it's alright" Ha Joon gave them his card. "I don't need you paying" Seung Ho glared at him "I'm doing it for Ji Hyun" he glared back. There was tension between them.

"How about I use both cards, 50/50" the cashier slid both their cards, and gave it back to them.

"Let's go both of you" you said and you guys started walking to a table. Ae Cha accidentally hit someone's purse and made them drop it, "ugh watch it!" A girl pushed Ae Cha, Myung Seouk caught her.

"Keep your hands to yourself, it was accident!" You yelled at her "I know that voice. Is that Kim Ji Hyun?" You heard the heels come closer, it caught your attention. It was Hana.

Hana looked at Seung Ho. "Seung Ho," she smiled, he cringed and looked away.

You clenched your fists.

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