chapter twenty five

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"Do I kiss good?"


He was against the bed's headboard, you were on top of his lap, he was breathing heavy. Lip stick stains all over his mouth and around it.

Your lip stick was smeared, "since you were so okay with that waitress flirting with you, I wanna teach you something" you started kissing him. Seung Ho pulled you closer to him.

Seung Ho shoved you away, you laughed at him. His lip was bleeding, "you bit me, you crazy bitch" "I know you liked it" you smirked at him.

Seung Ho scoffed and pulled you back in for another round of a hot make out session. "No biting" he said between the kisses, you laughed, your lips went down to kiss his neck. Seung Ho placed his hands on your hips and grinded you on him.

"I love your lips" he whispered into your ear, you blushed.



"What!?" "Are you being serious!?" "I'm not talking about this with you" "I know it's weird. But I need some help man" "it's been a very long time since we've... done that" Seung Ho walked away.

"Seung Ho, c'mon. Teach me how to kiss" he stopped at his tracks immediately. "Do you know how stupid you sound?" Seung Ho insulted "I just want h—" he pinned you against the lockers in an instant.

"Any guy will twist your words into this..." he leaned in, you were trembling. Seung Ho scoffed and backed away, "ask someone else" Seung Ho managed to walk away.

"Crazy bastard."

You went to class, Ae Cha was drinking water. "Woah, why are you chugging that down?" "I'm hoping this will help me swim faster" "swim? Oh my god, I forgot we should be practicing for the swim test!"

"Chill, we still have some time. Just start today or tomorrow" Ae Cha suggested "yeah, you're right."

After a few classes you went to go see Ha Joon. "Ha Joon," you smiled "Ji Hyun," you guys hugged. "I have a HUGE favor to ask" "what is it?" "Do you mind helping me to learn how to swim I have a big gym—" he cut you off.

"I'm sorry Ji Hyun. I'm busy with someone" his eyes saddened, you smiled. "It's alright don't worry!" "Here" he gave you a juice box, you took it and you both smiled at each other.

The day went by fast, "have you see Ha Joon?" You asked a classmate of his "uh, he's in a student council meeting" they walked away fast. You sighed, "that's the sixth person I've asked. But they all say different things."

"Why are you searching for Ha Joon so desperately?" Seung Ho came out of the classroom with messy hair. "What the hell happened to you?" "Deep nap," he yawned.

"And it's none of your business" you pouted "you look like a damn lap dog, searching for its owner" you punched his shoulder. "Jokes," you sighed "I have a swimming test and I need his help" you crossed your arms and your eyes saddened.

"I just can't... do it by myself. What if I drown?" You bit your lip, Seung Ho analyzed you, he sighed.

"Are you trying to make me feel bad?" "Is it working?" "No, it's annoying" "oh c'mon!" You whined.

"If you don't wanna teach me how to kiss, teach me how to swim! Help me get rid of my fear!" "Don't you hate my guts?" "Yes, I very much do. But you're.... you know, useful."

"And I need to past this swimming test" Seung Ho sighed heavily, "I don't see anything I'll get from helping you" "I'll buy you Eggos for the next month" "two," "one and a half" you offered.

"Fine" "yes!" "God, you're so helplessly annoying and pathetic" "thank you, sir!" You saluted. He cringed and walked away, you laughed.

"We can start tomorrow since it's Friday" you walked out of the school together "and we can use the pool at my house" you nodded.

"Ji Hyun?" he was coming out of another exit, your eyes widened he was with Hana.

"Why are you with her?" "Why are you with him?" You both asked in sync. "Ha Joon was just showing me the rules, since I just joined student council" your heart shattered. She grabbed his hand. And he didn't even shrug it off.

"What...?" Seung Ho looked at you, "so why are you with—" you cut him off. "Don't you dare change the topic! Is this the THING you were so busy with that you couldn't help me?" Your voice cracked.

You had thorns in your throat, it was stinging.

"Ji Hyun I was just showing her the ropes. Besides... she isn't that bad, I just know you guys can get—" "you're my friend! You're suppose to be on my side over hers! We kissed!!" Seung Ho's eyes widened a little.

"Oh so it was actually true, it wasn't a joke?" Hana teased "you... told her?" Your eyes started getting watery. "That's not her business. Why are you sharing our business...?" Your heart finally shattered.

"Seung Ho," Hana put her attention on him, he glared at her. "That kiss Ji Hyun..." you noticed he had discomfort in him.

"Was a—" loud music started blasting "oops, my AirPods disconnected" Seung Ho spoke up. You looked at him confused, "we have something to attend to" he grabbed your wrist and started pulling you away.

He took you to his neighborhood.

"Why are we here?" You asked upset "I'll get you a taxi don't worry" Seung Ho replied, you stopped walking. "Why are you stopping?" "Why did he have to do that?" You started crying.

"Fuck," he mumbled and stepped up. "Ji Hyun, get a grip of yourself" "he was never like this" you tried wiping your tears away. "Hate to tell you, but we're in another world. Not that we went back in time."

You cried silently. Seung Ho sighed and let you cry for awhile, he kicked pebbles while waiting.

He got you a taxi and you went home.

He continued walking home until he got a call. He answered, "hello?" "Seung Ho~" Seung Ho flinched. "Hana?" "That was such a weird thing to see huh?" "You're honestly fucked up for that."

"Keep letting her get in the way between me and you. I'll make sure her love life shatters, I know damn well all she wants is a good fairy tail" Hana hung up.

Seung Ho got to his room and opened his drawer, he pulled out a necklace that was broken. It was your necklace.

He sat down and took out a magnifying glass.

"Fucking crazy bitch" he mumbled.

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