chapter forty six

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You slowly started waking up from the light that escaped from the curtains.

You rubbed your eyes and sat finally fully waking up.

You examined the room and then the bed you were in, he was gone.

Wonder where he went...

You got up and looked around the house, you scratched your head.

Where would he have gone when he has nowhere to go?

You heard the door knob from the front door shaking.

Is eomma or appa home? Or Jae Hyun?


He walked in carrying bags of groceries. "You're awake," "you didn't have anything to eat. So I went to go buy some forces for your fridge" "o-oh," you stuttered.

Seung Ho put the bags on the table. "Let me help you" you started taking the things out of"what do you want me to do?" You heard Seung Ho ask from behind.

"What do you mean? You already went to go buy them and the market is pretty far" "I don't wanna sit around while you do the work" Seung Ho replied.

"You can start breakfast. I'm pretty hungry" you smiled at him. You handed him the stuff he needed for breakfast, and you put the rest away.

"You get the stove ready, I can cut the vegetables" Seung Ho demanded "okay" you followed without any complaint. Seung Ho was cutting and he glanced at you while you searched for the oil.

"Should be around here," you mumbled to yourself. You heard the knife drop to the floor, you looked at Seung Ho immediately, you saw the knife on the ground and Seung Ho holding his finger.

"How'd you cut yourself?" You asked and picked up the knife "I spaced out" you rolled your eyes. "Why are you spacing while holding a knife? Cmon I have some bandaids" you guided him to the closet.

You took out the med kit, and applied the band aid to his finger, he watched you do so. "Does that feel better?" You asked, still looking down, waiting for his response. But you didn't get one.

You looked up at him, "Seung Ho?" "Hm?" "I asked you, if that feels better?" He examined his finger and nodded. You smiled, "good."

"Let's go finish up breakfast. And be careful!" You both headed back to the kitchen and finished breakfast.

You both sat at the dining table eating together.

"It's been awhile since we sat down together and ate" you brought up while stuffing your mouth with food. "Mhm..." he replies dryly, you sighed quietly and decided to stay quiet.

Seung Ho noticed your mood changment. "We should... " you heard him speak up and looked up from your plate. "... Do this more often" you smirked at him.

"Should we?" "There's no harm in it" he kept his eyes off of you, not wanting to feel judged. "Alright, I'll take you up on that" you answered.

Seung Ho got a message and he checked, "who is it?" You asked "Da Chul. He's inviting us to go to the fair with them" "oh really?" You asked excited "yeah..." "I wonder if Ha Joon is going" you smiled to yourself.

"I hope he isn't" Seung Ho picked up his cup "you guys should just be friends! Or be civilized" you rolled your eyes. "He's so... I don't know, unlikable" "no. You just don't like anyone" you defended Ha Joon.

"What's so good about him anyways?" "And what's so good about Hana?" "I'm not into her" he replied fast. "W-well either way! You cheated on me with her!"

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