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"Where's my Luna?" the two-year-old girl chirped, her innocent eyes scanning the room as she sought her beloved Father. Namjoon let out a resigned sigh at the familiar question.

"Sweetheart, Seokjin isn't your Luna; he's Daddy's Luna, remember?" Namjoon's voice was gentle as he tenderly brushed a stray lock of hair from her eyes.

"Daddy's Luna?" Her eyes lit up with curiosity, reflecting the affection in Namjoon's smile as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Yes, my little princess, Daddy's Luna," Namjoon affirmed, his heart warmed by her innocent inquiry.

"Fuck hyung , your son is bursting with energy today," Taehyung remarked casually as he flopped onto the couch beside Namjoon, interrupting the tender moment.

"Hey, watch your language," Namjoon scolded, shooting Taehyung a pointed glare.

"Appa Tae said a bad word!" Youngjae yelled with his face towards the kitchen so that Seokjin can hear.

"Shit sorry," Taehyung muttered sheepishly, his gaze darting towards the kitchen, sighing because there was no sign of Seokjin.

"Shit?" Jihyun echoed, catching onto the unfamiliar word.

"Appa, Tae just said a bad word again!" Jae ran towards the kitchen but Taehyung caught him in time.

"Get your little ass back you snitcher." Taehyung made Youngjae sit in his lap so that he won't ran to the kitchen.

"Ass?" Jihyun looked at her  father for clarification.

"Taehyung, you're not helping," Namjoon snapped, his irritation growing as he struggled to maintain control of the situation.

"But, hyung, it's your daughter who keeps picking up the bad words," Taehyung protested, tightening his hold on Youngjae to prevent him from going towards the kitchen.

"Thank goodness you don't have any children of your own, or you might inadvertently turn them into foul-mouthed machines." Yoongi strolled in, holding Minho in his arms.

"Don't fret, we're planning to start a family after Jungkook's next heat. He'll be carrying the child," Taehyung declared with a self-satisfied grin.

"Heat?" Jihyun queried, causing Taehyung to flinch.

"Taehyung, please leave, seriously," Namjoon bellowed.

"Listen, sweetheart, these are not words you should use, okay?" he gently admonished his daughter, who simply gazed back at him with innocent eyes.

Soon after, the Omegas entered the room, engaged in lively conversation and wearing smiles.

"Daddy's Luna!" Jihyun exclaimed upon seeing Seokjin enter the room.

Seokjin returned the smile, making his way over to her.

"Appa, Tae said..." Taehyung quickly covered Youngjae's mouth to prevent any further utterance.

"What did he say?" Jungkook inquired, arching his eyebrows skeptically at his mate.

"Tae said Fuck, shit, ass , heat," Jihyun repeated,  Namjoon hit his own forehead knowing that he was in a trouble.

Seokjin's eyes widened in shock as he listened to his two-year-old daughter. The same astonishment mirrored on Hoseok and Jungkook's faces.

"Pardon me?" Seokjin asked, once he regained his composure.

"I can explain, Jinnie," Taehyung gulped, offering a feeble smile.

"I don't care. How dare you use such language in front of children!" Seokjin hissed, striding over to Namjoon and lifting Jihyun from his lap.

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