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The next day, he awoke with a throbbing head due to last night crying, yet it didn't dampen his mood, especially when he woke up enveloped in the embrace of powerful arms and the rich, earthy fragrance of rain.

He smiled tenderly, gently caressing his alpha's velvety countenance. It was peculiar how the formidable alpha appeared so innocent and cherubic in slumber.

As much as he wants to stay wrapped in that cozy warmth forever, he knows he can't. So, he reluctantly untangled himself from the snug blankets and released himself from the Alpha's grasp.

Sparing one last longing look on the Alpha's sturdy yet laxed figure he trudged to his room,

Suddenly, the memories of last night came rushing back, and he couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed.

He realized that he was stronger than letting fear of the thunderstorm make him cry and cling onto the Alpha.

He muttered a curse to himself, but then he let out a sigh of relief. It was Sunday, after all, and he didn't have to rush off to university.

After freshening up and washing away the tiredness from last night, he found himself feeling too lazy to make breakfast.

Instead, he decided to just ask Mrs. Cha for breakfast. Turns out, she had returned already early in the morning.

Since the Alpha hadn't woken up yet, he wasn't too worried about his breakfast. So he asked Mrs Cha for breakfast and sighed he had other errands to take care of, like this assignment he had to submit by next Friday, and he was already very behind.

He let out a sigh and grabbed his laptop, opening it to check his last updates on his assignment.

As he scrolled through, his eyes widened and he bit his lower lip in frustration. Oh no, he realized that he had to watch a movie and write a summary about it. Ugh, what a task!

Fuck, this was seriously messing with him, The movie he had to watch for the summary was a horror one, and considering his state from last night, it wasn't going to help him one bit.

The thought he was having just moments ago about being strong, poofed in the air and he admitted that in fact he was a scaredy cat,

A knock on the door grabbed his attention after getting his permission Mrs Cha entered.

He gave a grateful thanks to Mrs. Cha as she entered with a tray full of delicious breakfast.

However, his appetite had vanished. He had more pressing things to worry about than eating right now.

He reached over to the side table and grabbed his mobile, quickly dialling his best friend's number.

"Hey, what's up?" Jungkook cheerfully greeted, from the other side of the phone.

"Are you free today? " Jin queried , thinking that watching it with Jungkook would be the best option.

"No, this assignment is such a pain in the ass. And on top of that, I have to go to the aquarium to take some photos," Jungkook sighed. Jin could almost picture him slumped against the couch, munching on a chocolate bar.

"No way, you've got to be kidding me!" Jin exclaimed in frustration. He cursed the day he chose film and theaters over photography.

If he could have chosen the latter one he would be going on a fun aquarium trip then to watch a horror movie that too probably alone.

"Why were you asking though?" Jungkook asked , registering his frustrated tone.

"I've to watch a movie for my project and I don't want to see it alone." Jin said with a defeated tone , guess Jungkook can't join him today.

MARSHMALLOW / NAMJIN FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now