25 🐺

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Seokjin awoke, his mind throbbing from the echoes of yesterday's clamor. He reached for his mobile to glimpse the hour, discovering that it was seven in the morning.

Feeling a bit disarrayed, he sat upright, contemplating the idea of indulging in a soothing cup of warm tea to alleviate the chaos within his head.

With his feet snugly nestled in his slippers, he made his way to the bathroom to invigorate himself and embrace a sense of freshness.

Once he had freshened up, he swung open the door to his room, only to be immediately greeted by an overwhelming sense of heaviness that descended upon him.

Without wasting a moment, he swiftly grabbed the Alpha, who was likely dozing off near the door, and fell upon him as soon as he opened the door.

Oh my goodness, Seokjin gasped in disbelief as the realization dawned on him. It seemed that Namjoon had spent the night in such a manner, leaning against the door, still clad in yesterday's attire.

As Seokjin pondered his next move, Namjoon's eyes fluttered open.

"Thank goodness you opened the door," Namjoon exclaimed, quickly standing straight as he realized he had been leaning on Jin.

"Don't tell me you spent the night here?" Jin asked, his surprise evident in his voice.

"Did I?" Namjoon replied, he wasn't sure of the time. All he wanted to do was hug Jin and drift back to sleep, as his body ached from standing against the door all night.

"Gosh, you're such an idiot," Jin muttered, rolling his eyes. Despite his frustration, he couldn't help but care for Namjoon as he guided him to the bed.

"I'm sorry mallow, I really am." Namjoon pouted as he found the opportunity to put his head in his lap as soon as he sat on the bed. 

"Do you know why I'm mad?" Jin asked, his fingers itching to run through Namjoon's hair, but he refrained himself.

"I know, I can get pretty possessive sometimes," Namjoon admitted, his eyes growing heavy as he felt the comforting presence of Jin's body.

"No, Namjoon, it's not about being possessive. I understand why you feel that way. It's just the way you show it sometimes that made me think you don't trust me," Jin sighed, his heart feeling a bit mushy at the thought of Namjoon standing outside his door all night.

"I'm sorry, baby. But I trust you even more than I trust myself," Namjoon murmured, rolling slightly to encircle Jin's tummy with his hands.

"You know, you're so incredibly beautiful that it sometimes makes me worry that everyone wants you," Namjoon whispered, his lips lightly brushing against Jin's belly as he spoke.

"And you know it's not true. Even if everyone wants me, in the end, you have me," Jin said, his hands placed on either side of himself. Although Namjoon was hugging him, he didn't hug back.

"I'm scared," Namjoon mumbled so softly that Jin could barely hear him.

"why?" Seokjin asked , it was new Namjoon was sacred , Of what?

"I don't want you to leave me." Namjoon whispered, his hands holding Jin even tighter, seeking comfort and reassurance.

“I won't leave you, Alpha. I promise,”Seokjin said, his voice tinged with a little frustration. “How can I assure you?” he added, wanting to find a way to ease Namjoon's worries.

“How can I be assured?” Namjoon murmured making Seokjin confused.

“I've given my everything to your brother I truly loved him but he left me and now you , if you ever leave me I'm not gonna lie I will kill myself.” Namjoon mumbled his voice hoarse.

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