Running On Borrowed Time

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Parker sat in another council meeting again, this time down a member. Sasha was gone because she had contracted the disease and was currently confined to block A with the others. "It's spread. To everyone who survived the attack in cellblock D," Hershel stated, looking around at the other council members in the room. "Sasha, Caleb, and now others." He listed off.

"Oh, jesus," Daryl murmured.

"God, we're dropping like flies." Parker massaged her temples.

"So what do we do?" Carol asked.

"First things first," Hershel started, "Cellblock A is isolation. We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David."

"And how do we know that what happened to Karen and David won't happen to anyone else?" Parker inferred, not wanting to be led back to more human pieces of charcoal.

"What the hell we gonna do about that?" Daryl argued, they all knew it had to have been someone trusted enough to be in there alone.

"Ask Rick to look into it," Carol quickly said. "Try to make a timeline, who's where when. But what are we going to do to stop this?" Parker looked at the back of Carol's head, slightly suspicious of how fast Carol had attempted to change the subject.

"There is no stopping it." Hershel determined, "You get it, you have to go through it."

"But it just kills you?" Michonne wondered from the back of the room. Hershel turned in his chair so he was facing her.

"The illness doesn't. The symptoms do. We need antibiotics."

"We've searched every pharmacy you could imagine. All the ones nearby." Parker waved her hand around trying to prove her point further.

"That veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech. That's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication," Hershel explained, grasping at straws. "The drugs for animals there are the same we need."

"That's fifty miles," Daryl pointed out, "Too big a risk before. Ain't now." He pushed his chair back, standing up. "I'm gonna take a group out. Best not waste any more time."

"I'm in," Michonne instantly stated.

"You haven't been exposed," Hershel warned her. "Daryl has. You get in the car with him..."

"He's already given me fleas," Michonne joked which made the whole room smile, surprisingly even Daryl.

"I can lead the way," Hershel offered, getting up. "I know where everything's kept."

"Hershel, I don't know if that's such a good idea." Parker tried to explain to him, not wanting to hurt his feelings in any way.

"When we're out there, it's always the same. Sooner or later we run." Daryl said, everyone all agreeing with him.

"I can draw you a map," Hershel suggested, wanting to help them out somehow. "There are other precautions I feel we should take."

"Like what?"

"There's no way in telling how long it'll be before Daryl and his group return," Hershel told them, explaining his thought process. "Wouldn't it make sense for us to separate the most vulnerable? We can use the administration building. Separate office, separate rooms."

"Who are the most vulnerable?" Parker asked, already assuming it meant the kids.

"The very young," Hershel responded.

"And what about the old?" Parker crossed her arms as she looked at him. He stayed silent and everyone dispersed going their separate ways. Later that day, Parker was helping Daryl with the car they were going to take, and while checking under the hood, she cursed when she saw it was low on oil. Michonne was waiting and when she stopped by the car leaning against it, Daryl scoffed in annoyance at the situation.

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