Don't Do This

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Parker was standing in Hershel's kitchen, listening to Beth and Maggie yelling at each other in the bedroom. Beth had stolen the knife from the tray of food Lori had brought her, and it was so clear from her intentions that she meant to hurt herself. Lori stopped her before she could do anything, took the knife, and informed Maggie about what happened. Andrea and Lori were standing with Parker, and when the screaming grew louder, Parker sighed.

"Where the hell is Hershel when you need him?"

"Maggie doesn't want him to find out yet," Lori answered with a sigh, listening in on what was being yelled between the two sisters. "It's a family affair. We'll let them work it out."

"That's working it out?" Andrea asked skeptically, turning to the noise of the yelling.

"When Beth stops fighting, that's when it's time to worry." Lori walked to the table and picked up some dishes.

"You are being so selfish!" Maggie shouted from the other room.

"This could have been handled better." Andrea bit her lip as she looked to the ground.

"Says you. Of all people, of course, you have an opinion on the matter."

"How so?" Lori asked.

"You shouldn't have taken the knife away," Andrea responded not even trying to look the two in the eyes. Lori turned to her, with a dumbfounded look on her face, as if she couldn't believe what Andrea had just said.

"Excuse me?"

"You were wrong," Andrea shrugged her shoulders. "Like Dale taking my gun. That wasn't your decision."

"So what, she was supposed to have just let Beth kill herself?" Parker asked with a scoff, standing up straight. "We're just supposed to offer a seventeen-year-old kid a knife and say 'Hey, I know you just watched our group kill your family in front of you. Here's a knife in case you were thinking about doing something stupid.'"

"She has to choose to live on her own." Andrea insisted. "She has to find her own reasons."

"Do you want me to tie a noose for her?" Lori asked rhetorically.

"If she's serious she'll figure out a way," Andrea said.

"It doesn't mean I can't stop her or let her know that I care," Lori replied.

"That has nothing to do with it, Lori," Andrea responded. "She only has so many choices in front of her, and she believes the best one is suicide."

"That's not an option," Lori quickly spoke, putting some plates away.

"Of course it is," Andrea replied. "She doesn't need to be yelled at or treated like a child."

"She needs a loaded gun, right?" Lori asked. "You'll understand if I don't send you in there."

"I've been through it," Andrea said with furrowed brows at how the two were handling what she was saying.

"And you became such a productive member of the group," Parker replied sarcastically. "Let Maggie handle this her way."

"I contribute," Andrea argued. "I help keep this place safe."

"Yes, you did good, saved us from Daryl," Parker mocked. "You never listen to anyone because you think you're better than everyone else. You think your hot shit. Maybe you should leave the men with the guns. The men can handle this on their own. Eventually, you'll realize that we don't need your 'help.'" She air-quoted the last part.

"And you?" Andrea asked. "I saw you out there with a gun trying to find Sophia."

"Everyone was looking for Sophia," Parker responded. "And I took the gun because I know how to shoot it. And I listen when a person tells me not to shoot." Parker gave her a tight-lipped smile. "I mean I don't see anyone else here accidentally shooting a member of the group."

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