Those Are Words You Said

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Parker ran out of her cell, grabbing a rifle and a bulletproof vest. She threw it over her head, leaving the straps undone as she ran through the door that led to the yard, hearing the shots getting louder. She could see her friends gathered on one side of the yard as she turned toward the closest thing to use as cover she could find. "Rick?!" Parker yelled as she ducked behind the bleachers. "Maggie?"

"Parker?!" Maggie's voice echoed in her ears and Parker looked around before seeing her hidden behind some old metal filing cabinets. Parker ran over to her, joining her in her spot as they both tried to pinpoint where there rest of the group was. "What are you doing out here? You're going to get shot again."

"Not with this, remember? I'm bulletproof, bitch." Parker winked at her and Maggie just smiled at the memory that felt like it had happened years ago when in reality it was only like two weeks. Parker looked through the scope of her rifle, trying to see where the attackers were now that the gunfire had died down for a second. She saw Carol using Axel's body as a human shield and she whistled at her, nodding her head in the direction of some bleachers. She fired off some random rounds to distract the people, only to stop when Carol was safe.

A truck sped towards the prison, and Parker watched in horror as it crashed right through the fences, stopping in the middle of the outer field. A bullet hit the wall next to her head and Parker looked up towards the guard tower, spotting a man who was clearly with the Governor. She set her gun down, looked through the scope for a split second, and then pulled the trigger. The man fell, falling under the rails and landing on the ground. Parker didn't know where the bullet hit but she knew for a fact that the fall had killed him. While Carl and Maggie shot at the Governor's men, Parker tried to kill some of the walkers in the yard, but there were too many. More and more continued to pool out of the truck, replacing the ones she gunned down. "Is Rick still outside the fences?" Parker asked Maggie, killing a man in black armor.

"I don't know!" Maggie shouted, her back slamming against the cabinets as bullets flew at them.

The Governor fled after he wasted more ammo by just randomly shooting at the sky. Whether he figured he wasn't going to win or he'd done enough damage, it didn't matter. He clearly was not prepared for this group to defend themselves as well as they did. When their truck disappeared into the trees, Glenn drove through the broken fence, stopping to rescue Hershel, who had been out there the entire time, hiding in the overgrown grass. Parker headed through the fences, killing the walkers closest to Glenn and Hershel, giving them a clear path back, but there were too many, and if they tried to kill all of them, they would run out of ammo.

"There are too many of them!" Parker yelled at Maggie and Carl, shoving her knife through the base of one's skull, blood trailing down her arm as she ripped the blade out. "Where's Rick?"

"He's out there!" Maggie called back, finally spotting him, his back against the fence as walkers swarmed him. Knowing it was useless to stay outside any longer than necessary, Parker headed back through the gates, pulling them open enough for Glenn to drive through before she closed them. She stood at the gates, looking across the yard at the walkers. She could kill them all eventually- and get to Rick, who was on the other side of the field, beyond the fence. Parker raised her gun, checking to see how many rounds she had left. 

"Let me out." She ordered, her voice washing away any emotion. Her mind was dead set on getting to her brother, whether it be the last thing she'd do.

"No way," Maggie replied, shaking her head as she blocked her path. "Not in the state you're in."

"I'm fine," Parker insisted, but even as she said it she could feel her entire body protesting against it. "I feel fine."

"You're as white as a sheet," Glenn compared, holding the gates closed so he could open them whenever someone got close enough. "You should sit down."

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