Don't Even Look At Her

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As they were taken outside, Parker asked their names. Thomas, the one with the gun, was the leader. Then there was Axel, the blonde who didn't seem so dangerous- wasn't dangerous at all from the looks of it. Andrew, the shortest of the three. Oscar, the one who cares about his family. And then Big Tiny, who did honor his nickname because he was huge. 

Daryl made sure to stay close to Parker as they followed the prisoners outside, and she always had one hand on her gun. She had gotten good at reading people, because when she was a teacher she had to be able to read kids' expressions, and neither Axel, Oscar, or Big Tiny seemed to cause too much trouble, but she didn't trust Thomas and Andrew. While the other three didn't seem like much of a threat, except for Big Tiny's height and muscles, Thomas gave Parker a bad feeling. 

"Damn, the sun feels good," Oscar laughed, looking up at the sky.

"Good lord," Axel gasped, eyes wandering to the bodies littering the ground. "They're all dead."

"Never thought I'd be so happy to see these fences," Thomas commented.

"You never said," Andrew spoke, turning to Rick and the group. "How the hell did you get in here in the first place?"

"Cut a hole in that fence over there by that guard tower," Daryl explained, pointing over to the guard tower.

"That easy, huh?" Thomas asked.

"Where there's a will, there's a way," Daryl responded.

"Easy for you to say."

"So what is this, like a disease?" Big Tiny questioned, inspecting one of the many walker corpses they'd left on the ground.

"Yeah," Rick confirmed. "And we're all infected."

"What do you mean 'infected'?" Axel asked. "Like AIDS or something?"

"If I was to kill you-"

"Hypothetically. For the time being at least." Parker interrupted.

"-shoot an arrow in your chest, you'd come back as one of these things," Daryl nodded in the direction of the walkers on the other end of the fence. "It's gonna happen to all of us."

"Aint no way these Robin Hood cats are responsible for killing all these freaks," Thomas argued, not wanting to believe them for a second. Or just trying to be an asshole.

"There must be fifty bodies out here," Andrew added as he took another sweep of the yard.

"Where'd you come from?" Thomas questioned curiously, his eyes lingering on Parker.

"Atlanta," Parker answered, trying her best to not vomit for the second time that day.

"Where you headed?"

"For now, nowhere," Rick responded, the two getting into a standoff. Thomas didn't seem impressed with their answers.

"I guess you can take that area down there. Near the water. Should be comfortable."

"Oh-ho-ho, he's got jokes." Parker nudged Daryl's shoulder earning a concerned look. "It's- that was a- god people are so serious around here." Parker huffed with an eye roll before pointing to the fields near the water. "We are using that field for crops."

"We'll help you move your gear out."

"And I'll help rearrange your face." Parker gave Thomas a tight-lipped smile and a finger wave as he stared at her.

"Stop." Daryl shoved her hand down.

"I'm being friendly."

"You're bein' a pain in the ass."

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