There are Walkers In The Barn And Lori's Pregnant

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"Okay, spit it out," Parker demanded when she saw how nervous Glenn looked. "What are you hiding?" He had been pacing back and forth for a few minutes as if he was having an internal argument with himself. No, it wasn't an argument. It was a debate. He was trying to decide whether to tell Parker what he had been keeping to himself, but his conscience told him not to. Maggie would never talk to him again if he did.

"I'm not hiding anything," Glenn said, although his tone wasn't all too convincing.

"Don't lie to me," Parker warned, fixing Glenn a look that she knew would break him. "I know you're hiding something."

"Fine," Glenn sighed defeatedly, crumbling under the heat of the Grimes' trademark death stare mixed with the cop eyebrow. "But you can't tell anyone."

"Your secrets safe with me," Parker promised, zipping her lips. It took Glenn no less than two seconds to tell her everything he'd discovered.

"Lori is pregnant and the barn is full of walkers." Those two statements hit Parker quite hard. She had to take a moment to process what Glenn had just told her before she finally looked at him.


"You heard me," Glenn said. "Don't make me say it again. I promised Lori and Maggie I wouldn't say anything."

"Well, has Lori told Rick?" Parker asked. "And have you told Rick about the barn?"

"No," Glenn replied. "What part of a secret don't you understand?"

"Okay," Parker raised her hands in surrender, "But I'm going to talk to Lori about it."

"What? No!" Glenn protested. "I'll get in trouble."

"No, you won't," Parker replied. "I got it." She left the shared tent and headed towards Lori, who was boiling water on the fire. When she saw Parker approaching, Lori smiled.


"So, come on, about your secret," Parker instantly said. "And don't tell me you don't have one, because I know for a fact that you're keeping a secret." Lori rolled her eyes.

"Glenn? I told him not to tell anyone."

"Hey, I'm your sister-in-law," Parker countered. "Frankly, I'm disappointed you didn't tell me as soon as you found out. You told Glenn before you told me?"

"I don't know what to do," Lori huffed, overwhelmed. "I can't have a baby. Not now."

"Well, you have to talk to Rick," Parker said. "It's his baby too. Isn't it?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Lori asked.

"It means I know about you and Shane," Parker explained. "And don't try to lie about that. It's painfully obvious."

"You haven't told...?"

"Rick?" Parker finished. "No. I don't want to do that to him."

"Thank you," Lori let out a sigh of relief, her entire body relaxing.

"Don't thank me," Parker said. "If you don't know whose baby it is, then you have to own up to what you did and tell Rick and Shane what happened."

"I can't," Lori replied. "I can't do that."

"You have to do it," Parker insisted. "You can't lie."

"It's not a lie if I don't tell them anything." Lori countered.

"Lori, if you don't tell them I will," Parker said.


"Then you tell them," Parker ordered. "Maybe not now, because they're getting ready to go teach the group how to shoot, and an angry man with a gun is dangerous."

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