0 Days Without An Accident

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Regardless of Parker's constant fear that the Governor would return and slaughter them all, she and the rest of the group managed to make the prison function as a home- as much of a home as you could get during the apocalypse. Over the course of six months, the group began farming, built more structures, rebuilt the prison for the newcomers, and had a routine. Although Parker became even more relaxed as the months passed, in the back of her mind there was that nagging voice that the Governor was planning something and she feared his retaliation. 

Parker took on the job of cooking in the mornings, preparing meals for the others, and handing them out when she wasn't out with Daryl or Glenn. It was a good job for her because it allowed her to meet everyone who had become a part of the group. The boy who helped her in the mornings, Patrick, was sweet. Very talkative. So their conversations flowed easily. He was fascinated by Parker and what she and her group had achieved together. During the few mornings they had worked together, she told him stories of what happened before the prison, like Atlanta, the CDC, and the farm. She loved listening to him and enjoyed his questions, even though most were about her and Daryl's relationship. Parker didn't mind telling Patrick everything he wanted to know, because he was sweet and seemed really excited to know about her.

"Are you telling me he proposed to you and you said no?" Patrick asked, sounding a little surprised, Parker nodded her head chuckling lightly.

"Yeah. I wasn't sure if he was just saying it, but then he came back with a ring after asking Rick for permission and I knew he was serious." Patrick sighed, a small smile on his face. 

"You guys are the best. If I see him, I'm trying for a handshake." He nodded his head firmly, trying to work up his confidence.

"Thank you. And good luck with that." Parker responded, smiling at Patrick. "Believe me, it wasn't always as perfect as it seems. It took us a while to get to where we are now." Across the yard, Parker saw Daryl making his way over to them. Patrick noticed him coming and let an excited squeak, returning to his work while Parker waited for Daryl. As he passed by the people sitting at the benches, most turned towards him, recognizing him from when they were rescued from Woodbury.

"Morning, Daryl," Greeted one of the men sitting at the table.

"What's up, Doctor S?" Daryl said back in response. Many of the others greeted him, and when he arrived at the counter, Parker smiled at him. 

"Good morning, Mr. Popular."

"Shut up," Daryl scoffed, looking around as everyone continued to say good morning. "Smells good. What is it?"

"Just a reminder, I loved you first," Parker winked with a soft smile playing on her face as he reached for a bowl.

"Stop." Daryl muttered, his face turning red. "You know, Rick brought in a lot of them too."

"Not lately," Parker countered, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand. "You brought strangers in, you're keepin' them fed, and you'll just have to learn to live with the love."

"Right. I get enough from you already," Daryl stated and Parker just smiled.

"What a shame." She replied sarcastically, sighing dramatically as the ring on her finger sparkled in the sunlight, she leaned over the counter to pull Daryl towards her, kissing him softly. While she loved watching him squirm under the constant affection he received from people nowadays, she also hated it. She would never admit it, but seeing everyone with their eyes on him because he was the best hunter and the one responsible for bringing over half the people here made her jealous. Parker wasn't a big fan of change, and the difference in the way the prison was compared to the previous months seemed strange to her. She never thought she would see so many people in one place again, and she was constantly worried that it wouldn't last. "I have to show you something," Parker finally told him once they pulled away from the kiss. "Patrick, you want to help?" She stepped to the side as he instantly rushed over.

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