Shit Happens

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While the rest of the group remained in the cell block, Parker went with Daryl and Rick. Rick has gotten better at not bossing her around, forcing her out of runs, or doing things in general. Well, sort've. She didn't trust those prisoners, and as much as Rick wanted to send her back to the cell block to keep her safe, he knew that Parker was one of his best shots, in all honesty, he needed all the support he could get. Maggie and Glenn were with Hershel, holding down the fort and taking care of the rest of the group, so it was just him, T-Dog, Daryl, and Parker. They offered the prisoners some of their weapons and Thomas picked up a crowbar. 

"Why do I need this when I have this?" He pulled his gun out of his pocket and when he raised the gun, Parker let out a frustrated sigh.

"We don't use the guns. Not unless your back is against the wall."

"Noise attracts them," Daryl added. "It really riles them up."

"We'll go in two by two," Rick explained his plan, all eyes turning to him. "Daryl will run point with T. I'll bring up the rear with you," He pointed to Andrew. "And Parker." He added, looking pointedly at Thomas who just looked her up and down. "Stay tight, hold formation no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head."

"I vote we test that theory with Mr. Mustache over there," Parker grumbled, making a point of standing as far away from Thomas as possible.

"And that's where you aim," Daryl told them. "These things only go down with a headshot."

"You ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man," Thomas said, sounding proud of that statement.

"You don't have to tell us how to take out a man," Parker mocked in a low voice. "Blah, blah, blah. Why am I not surprised you'd say that?"

"They ain't men," T-Dog replied. "They're something else."

"Just remember to go for the brain." Rick looked each of them in the eyes to make sure they got the message. Rick led the way, all the prisoners following after him. Daryl took Parker's hand.

"Be careful."

"Always," Parker responded, before knocking on her vest. "Bulletproof, remember?"

"Yeah, you called me a bitch the first time you reminded me." She laughed at him.

"Not you specifically."

"It was directed at me." He spoke over her, making her laugh harder.

"Maybe a little bit." She squeezed her thumb and index finger together. Daryl's expression became cold and serious again.

"Stay close to Rick, got it? I don't trust these guys." 

They headed toward one of the cell blocks, slowly making their way through the uncleared halls of the prison. Parker stayed behind with Rick, watching for walkers who might come up from behind them. As they turned a corner, she heard Axel yell loudly.

"It's coming!" Which was followed by a harsh shush from Daryl. When the walkers turned the corner, Daryl raised his hand and counted down from three, but before he could reach one, the prisoners screamed and attacked the walkers. Parker shared a look with Rick, T, and Daryl as the prisoners ignored their instructions to go for the head, attacking the walkers until they finally got the idea and killed them. The four just stood there unimpressed and slightly disgusted.

"I think that was the saddest thing I've ever seen. And I've watched a blonde chick fail at filling her car with gas for thirty minutes."

"That was hilarious," Rick commented, hitting her shoulder with the back of his hand. Once the walkers were dead, they continued. Daryl kept his crossbow raised, shooting a walker.

Our Extinction Event {Daryl Dixon}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz