Home Sweet Home

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When they opened the gate the next morning, they moved like a well-oiled machine. Rick, Parker, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, and T-Dog entered the prison yard, moving in a group with their knives raised. The walkers approached them, but they were dead before they got too close. T-Dog saw a riot shield lying on the ground, breaking ranks despite Rick yelling at him not to. They continued to move, until Rick suddenly pressed himself against a wall, raising his hand for them to stop when he realized that the corner door was currently open and that the courtyard beyond contained more walkers than they could handle. 

Two walkers stumbled around the corner, and two others appeared right in front of them. Daryl's arrow failed to pierce the bulletproof visor they were wearing, bouncing harmlessly off the ground. Parker sighed. Just when they thought they had it under control, something like this had to happen. Parker saw the arrow on the ground, the crack in the armor just below the visor, revealing a portion of the exposed neck. She ran past Rick despite his protests, picking up Daryl's arrow, before grabbing the visor of the walker closest to her, pulling it up, and jamming the arrow directly into the walker's skull from chin to brain. When she pulled out the arrow and the walker fell, she turned to Glenn and Maggie.

"Did you see that?" Parker asked excitedly, holding up the bloody arrow. "That was awesome!" Glenn and T-Dog took out another guard, while Maggie killed the third. Daryl killed the fourth, and when Rick tried to remove the gas mask another was wearing, the walker's entire face went with it, revealing its skull underneath. Parker moaned in disgust as Rick stuck his bare hand into the walker's eye, killing it. As Glenn ran off a bit, Rick called out to him.


"Well, it lo-looks secure.." Glenn said confused as he walked back over.

"Not from the look of that courtyard over there," Daryl responded, before pointing to a walker he killed. "And that's a civilian."

"So the interior could be overrun by walkers from outside the prison," T-Dog guessed.

"Well, if there's walls down, what are we going to do?" Parker asked. "We can't just rebuild this whole place."

"We can't risk a blind spot," Rick told them. "We have to push in." Parker sighed.

"I was worried you were gonna say that." She held the arrow out for Daryl. "I think I found something that belongs to you."

"Thanks," Daryl responded, before noticing the blood covering it. "What did you do?"

"I stabbed a walker with it," Parker answered with a shrug. "It was incredible." She wiped the blood off on her shirt seeing how it was already covered in walkers blood before handing it back. 

They headed into the prison, at a disadvantage due to the darkness, but remained as a group regardless, spreading out cautiously through the room. Parker had her knife raised, just in case. Inside, it was a matter of encountering both dead and living, neither of which would have a very good outcome. Parker had little doubt they would find a living prisoner, not if the outer courtyard was invaded. Rick found a set of keys on a dead guard in the room above them, using them to open one of the doors, which led him to a cell block. Parker walked up the stairs to the second floor, Daryl right behind her with his crossbow raised, and when Rick joined them, they checked each cell carefully, checking for bodies, walkers, or prisoners. A walker growled and tried to reach them through the bars of a locked cell, but Parker stabbed it through the eye with a bored sigh. "Shut up." She pulled her knife back watching the walker fall to the ground before following after Rick and Daryl, each of whom killed another walker locked in the cells. When they opened the cell doors, they threw them over the railing to allow T-Dog to carry them out. When the cell block was secure, they let the rest of their group in.

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