When Two Worlds Collide

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When Rick, Glenn, and Maggie got to the prison gates, Carol and Carl were there waiting for them, opening the gates and running to the car. Rick stepped out telling Glenn to drive ahead, wanting to get Parker back to the prison as fast as possible. 

"Thank god." Rick wrapped Carl up in a hug who was quick to hug him back before noticing the blood that covered Rick's arms and clothes. "Where's Hershel?" Carl watched the car speed down the gravel path, before looking back at his father.

"He's in the cell block. Where's Aunt Parker?" Rick hesitated to respond, looking down at his hands that were stained in her blood.

"She got shot. We need Hershel to check up on her." Rick finally said before Carol broke up the conversation, a worried look on her face.

"Where's Daryl?" Rick put a hand up to try and calm her down. 

"It's alright. He's alive." Everyone looked at the fence as a walker slammed against it, growling at them. "We ran into his brother. They went off." He explained, Carol stood there silently trying to see if he was lying or not.

"They left?" She asked, her voice quiet, Rick simply nodded, looking down at his feet, he wanted to be back in the cellblock with his sister. He didn't want to lose another person he cared about. Let alone not be there if it happened. "Daryl left? W- he.. he's gone?" She stuttered not able to comprehend it, how he could just up and leave them without saying anything. "Is he coming back? Wh- what about Parker?" Rick put a comforting hand on her shoulder when she started to cry and she pulled away, taking a few steps back.


"Gone?" Carol repeated, her voice breaking, Rick walked over, putting his arm over her shoulder, and walked her back to the prison, making sure Carl was behind them.

"And Oscar?" Carl asked once he caught up, just now realizing he didn't see him in the car when they had pulled up.

"No." Rick shook his head, his voice low as he and Carl closed the gate. They walked up the road leading to the prison in silence, Carol breaking away once they got to the yard, the Greenes were all hugging by the door. "Hershel!" Rick called out to him, jogging over. "Have you seen her? Is Parker alright?" Rick instantly bombarded him with questions.

"Maggie was just telling me what happened. From what I hear, all I need to do is clean the wound and stitch her up." Hershel cut him off, explaining to Rick what he needed to do. "Maggie, can you go prepare my stuff, please?" Hershel asked her and she nodded, leading Beth into the prison. Carol and Carl followed behind. "Sounds like we have a new problem on our hands," Hershel commented once they knew they were alone. "Did you get a good look at him?"

"He had Daryl, Parker, and Merle pitted against each other. She could barely keep herself up, bleeding from an open wound. A crowd cheering for them to fight to the death. What kind of a sick mind does that?" Rick listed off, the need to put a bullet through the Governor's head growing more and more.

"The kind this world creates," Hershel answered, adjusting his hold on his crutches. "Now let's go patch up your sister." Hershel nodded his head in the direction of the door and Rick opened the door, both heading to the cell where Maggie, Glenn, and Carl were.

"We tried to stop the bleeding with bandages on the road." Maggie began as Hershel moved past them and over to the bed she was on. "I don't think it hit anything major. Bullet went clean through." Hershel, used a knife, cutting the bandages that were soaked with blood, using some water to rinse off the opening of the bullet hole. Carl pulled his dad aside and told him about Tyreese and his group and that was all it took to set him off towards where they were holding them.

"Not exactly a chatterbox, is he?" One man said, looking over his shoulder at his group to see if any of them found it funny.

"Be patient." The biggest one told them, staring at Carl who was sitting on a table, his arms crossed in front of him, his pistol laid across his lap, Rick walking through the door. "When he's ready, let me do the talking." Carl's head whipped up at the sound of the door opening, Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Beth and Judith, and Carol. "I'm Tyreese." He introduced himself, both groups met in the middle of the room.

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