48: The Camerons

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When Jared and Olivia arrived back to the packhouse after, let off some steam, but that didn't help a little as Olivia had to face her mother once again, and she got a little mad but lucky for her, like Jared promised her from earlier, he was there for her to assure that everything will be fine. Carina tried to talk to Olivia, but Olivia wasn't having any of it. She may be sound selfish for being ridiculous just over the part that she found out her father isn't her father, but she also didn't want to see her mother ever again as her mother agreed the former pack to kill her if she doesn't have wolf gene like them so she didn't trust her anymore and, heck, she couldn't trust her around her daughter. The pack could tell how Olivia must be feeling right there, around her mother, and how she is feeling overwhelming with everything that is going on in her life, gave birth not long ago, became a wolf, finding out her father isn't her father and her mother show up all at once and it is very overwhelming for Olivia to deal with. Sam had to force Carina out of the packhouse or, better, out of Olivia's life because she doesn't deserve to face her mother after all that her mother has done. Sam wants to train Olivia as soon as possible and to get over quickly so Olivia can see her daughter before she missed a chance to see her daughter growing up, but things seemed to be harder than they thoughts. The pack tried their best to help Olivia as much as they could, but her feelings were all over places, her biological father, her mother lied to her, and thinking of her daughter which the pack can't blame on how she felt. It took her 2 weeks to control her anger and be trained of everything that Sam taught his boys and girls the moment they've phased the first time. But for Olivia, it was harder because she couldn't stop thinking about her family, on how her mother admitted sleeping with another man and had a child with him, finding out that Jared is her cousin and his uncle is her biological father the one that her mother slept with and had a child but lied to her so-called father that she was his child but she was glad that Dennis isn't her father as she hate him for what he has done and same for her mother, lastly and importantly, she can't stop thinking of her daughter. She accidentally shows her memories of her with her daughter, seeing how much she missed her with the pack in their wolf form. The pack felt sorry for her, and they could tell that she's miserable and they knew being miserable doesn't help with controlling her anger even though she managed okay, but sometime, even small things can trigger her anger without realising if she felt miserable or dejected. Olivia hasn't seen her daughter for 2 weeks, and she knew that her daughter was now a month and half old. It pained her so badly for not seeing her so long, but she knew she had to sort herself out firstly because she wouldn't forgive herself if she accidentally hurt her daughter. Jared had been talking with his alpha and hoping that his alpha would agree if Jared took his cousin to meet his parents and, hopefully, to help her and to make her feel less miserable. Sam wasn't sure what to think, but he was glad that Jared's parents knew about shape-shifters, so he didn't have to worry if Olivia wolf out in front of them, but deep down, he knew that Jared is right, maybe meeting Olivia's uncle and aunt might help her as they are her biological family and hopefully to welcome her in their open arms. Jared already told his parents about Olivia, and they were shocked to hear the news and begged to meet her, which Sam would allow that to happen, Jared had to leave Willow part out of it so Olivia can tell his parents herself whatever she feel right.

Jared, Ruby, and Olivia were patrolling, and it was Olivia's first time, Ruby was shocked to find out that her best friend was a shape-shifter just like herself and she wasn't expecting to hear that the fact Olivia is Jared's cousin, Ruby was over moon that she get to run with Olivia whatever they wish to. The three put on clothes separately, of course, before coming out of the treeline and onto the packhouse lawn, "Liv. Sam agreed that I could take you to meet my parents tomorrow." Jared started, Olivia was surprised to hear that, and she is quite nervous about meeting her biological family that she never ever met, "I've already told my parents about you but I never told them about Willow. I just thought you would like to tell them yourself." Jared smiled softly.

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