03: The Guy Who 'Saved' Her Life...

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Tiffany went to Ruby's room to keep her a company to watch Netflix while Olivia was working with her client downstairs, Tiffany lay on bed with her back against the bed board, same with Ruby position as they watched Shadowhunters on Netflix, her legs crossed over and sip of her water bottle as Ruby pressed play to start the shows.

"Hey, took you long enough." Ruby said.

"Yeah, sorry, just fixing my wound." Tiffany told her before putting her water bottle set down on the nightstand next to her.

"Wound? What happened?" Ruby asked, concerned. Ever since they've gotten closer as being friends, they're protective of each other and always concerned for each other no matter what. They all went through hard time as teenagers, and they were always there for each other and never ever left each other side.

Tiffany sighed and told her what happened that night when she went home, Ruby shook her head and kept her eyes on the screen.

"You need to be careful these days, and I still don't get why you and your mother are living in the woods." Ruby said, "I mean, have you seen cabin in the woods?" She asked.

Tiffany laughed lightly, "Ruby, those movies aren't real." She told her.

"Some are based true stories." Ruby shrugged, Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"We aren't technically living in the woods. We lived on the beach." Tiffany said.

"Yeah, outside the woods..." Ruby said.

"Rubes, how long have I been living here with you?" Tiffany asked.

Ruby shrugged, "Since we were 16, so about 3 years ish." She said.

"And do I look like dead to you?" Tiffany asked, smirked.

"No..." Ruby said.

"See, there's no problems." Tiffany said.

"But you were hardly at home at all. You were here with us for almost 3 years. You were barely seeing your mother at all." Ruby said.

Tiffany sighed heavily, "Rubes, can we not just talk about this again?" She said.

Ruby sighed softly, "I thought we were best friends." She asked.

"Of course! We are." Tiffany said.

"Really? Then why won't you say anything? It has been almost 3 years, I thought you would warm up by then." Ruby looked at her, feeling hurt.

"I'm sorry Rubes... I've already told you what I've told you years ago." Tiffany said.

"I know there's something more to it." Ruby said, "And I felt like you weren't entirely truthfully with us." She added.

Tiffany looked at her, didn't say anything but stared at her.

"I have my suspicious." Ruby said quietly.

"So have I." Tiffany bluntly said.

Ruby looked at her, Tiffany tried to look away, but she knew she wouldn't, Ruby frowned, "What do you mean you have suspicious?" She asked.

"It's not just you... Olivia, too." Tiffany said.

Ruby dry chuckled, "Oh wow... I thought I was the only one." She admitted.

"You have suspicious about Olivia?" Tiffany asked, Ruby nodded.

"Yeah..." Ruby said.

Tiffany doesn't say anything at that moment. She goes back to the screen to continue to watch, Ruby does the same thing, and none of them decide to say anything after that situation.

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