18: Argument

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Ruby rubbed Tiffany's back, shook her head, feeling sorry for her best friend to go through this situation, and Tiffany was really brave to come to the land even though she wasn't allowed because of the law but she did it to protect herself from her family and especially the guy who she supposedly to marry on her 16th birthday, "I can't believe they could do this to you. You're their daughter! How could they?" Ruby said in disappointment.

Tiffany sighed, "I know..."

"But your bes-" Ruby paused, "So-called best friend... how could she? She supposedly to be on your side and support you..." Ruby continued.

"I know... but that was past. Now I have you and Olivia." Tiffany said, smiled.

Ruby smiled softly and pulled her in her arms, "Yeah, you do have me and Liv." She told her while rubbed Tiffany's arm as she still cuddled her.

"I... I want to forget about the past, okay? I would appreciate it if we didn't talk about it ever again." Tiffany said.

"I understand... but what about Olivia? Or... Paul?" Ruby asked, unsure for the last bit.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, "I don't know about Olivia, to be honest. We still have a lot to talk about her... she's obviously hiding something. And for Paul... well, how am I supposed to say that, huh?" She said, shrugged.

"You're his imprint, and it's his job to protect you..." Ruby said.

"From mermaids and mermen? I don't think so. They'd have powers... beside I don't think they would come here." Tiffany said.

"But what happened if they do?" Ruby asked.

"I would be surprised if they did... because I have no freaking idea." Tiffanh sighed heavily and leaned back in her seat.

"Do you oftens go out in water?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, I mean, it's part of my world." Tiffany said, looked over to Ruby.

"What happened if they found you in water? How will we know? Not to forget to mention that you almost got abducted!" Ruby told her.

"I always be careful... I just need to stretch my le- tail." Tiffany corrected herself.

"I will need to get used to hearing you say that." Ruby chuckled.

Tiffany laughed softly.

"Right, about your job." Ruby started.

"What about it?"

"How can you be stupid to take that job? You would easily get wet." Ruby said.

"I always be careful, I wear gloves to wash dishes." Tiffany said.

"Yeah, I just noticed about that. Make lots sense." Ruby said.

Tiffany chuckled, "Everything will make lots sense once you know my secret."

"I suppose you're right." Ruby nodded.

"Alright, enough about me. Since I'm not working, what shall we do?" Tiffany asked, Ruby raised her eyebrows, "What?"

"You're not gonna ask about... why did I run away when I was 16?" Ruby said.

Tiffany put her hand on Ruby's shoulder, "I'll wait till you're ready."

"What if I will never tell you?"

Tiffany shrugged, "I would understand. You've already told me your most secret... your brothers existence... shape-shifters and so on..." She said.

"But you told me the WHOLE story." Ruby said sadly.

"Like I said, I'll wait till you're ready even if you never lived to tell... it's okay." Tiffany said reassuringly.

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