47: Cousins

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The Uley pack shared a look before looking over to Jared and Olivia, who seemed in shock after hearing that news. Jared wasn't expecting to hear that Olivia is somewhat related to him. He never thought he would meet any relatives except he is a distant relative of the Blacks and the Littleseas as he was only a child and no cousins or siblings to hang out except he had pack brothers and sisters that he thought as his second family until Olivia came into his life, finding out that Dorian Cameron was Olivia's biological father, Dorian who also older brother of Jared's father, Bradley Cameron which make Olivia as his cousin and Willow also his second cousin. Olivia was a little surprised to find out that Jared is actually her cousin and makes sense why she is shape-shifter just like him and the pack as she is from that tribe through his father. She has the Quileute blood, which made her part of the pack now. Although she still has witch genes in her and Carina, her mother told her that Olivia must have a witch gene from her great great grandmother, Estella, through her mother's side. Just like the Quileute, through many generations that none of them turn into a wolf but still carried wolf gene to passed down to their children then the next until the vampires show up in Forks after so many decades and triggered their wolf side, it was just same with Olivia's family, it was rare for them to have a witch gene through generations, Estella was the second female witch, the first female witch was Estella's great great great grandmother Beatrice so it was rare ability for them to have it, Olivia was the third female witch in family so meaning, Olivia isn't just only a shape-shifter but hybrid and yet, the pack still welcome her to be part of the pack because she has the Quileute blood from her biological father. They weren't sure about Willow, whether if she would phase one day since it is likely that Willow also has the Quileute blood from her mother but they wasn't sure about the witch part as it is rare ability to have it so they weren't sure what to call her at this point until they will know sooner in the future once Willow get older.

"So Olivia is... Jared's cousin?" Quil asked, want to make sure if he heard correctly.

"Yes, she is." Carina nodded slowly.

"I did not see that coming." Seth admitted, the pack nodded in agreements.

"This family needs to stop being so secretive." Leah rolled her eyes, "Don't we all already had enough of that."

"She's not wrong." Paul said, wrapping his arms around Tiffany's shoulders. She happily snuggled in his side while resting her hand on her baby bump, Paul left hand rest over her hand and intertwined fingers together.

"Yeah, first Ruby and now Olivia... who else?" Quil raised his eyebrows.

The pack turned to Tiffany and Darcie, but mostly Tiffany, "Why are you all looking at me like that?" Tiffany asked, frowned.

"Well... -" Jared started...

"Ruby and Olivia may be my best friends, but it doesn't mean my family has a secret. Besides, our rules from our world won't allow mermaids or mermen to create children with another creature or they will be banned." Tiffany explained, "I'm pretty sure I'm definitely fully mermaid. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been with my family in the first place." Darcie nodded like saying what Tiffany saying was the truth.

"Welp, it seemed you broke the rule." Quil chuckled softly while nodding down her baby bump stomach, as Tiffany just created children with shape-shifter Paul, meaning their children would be hybrids, as Tiffany is a mermaid and Paul is a shape-shifter

"I already broke the rule when I ran away from home." Tiffany shrugged, "so did Darcie."

Carina looked over to Emmelina curiously, leaned in to whisper, "Mermaids real?" She asked.

"Erm, yeah." Emmelina realised that Carina didn't know about mermaids and mermen existence. She wouldn't blame everyone if they don't believe that mermaids or mermen are real, but what about vampires, werewolves, and witches? So it is just the same thing.

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