02: The Group of Hottest Boys

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Tiffany walked to her best friend's apartment after finishing her lunch shift and got free for the rest of the day, just as she was about to open the door, the door already swung open making her jump back quicker with her hand on her chest as to look like she nearly had a heart attack by the action. Her best friend stood before her, Ruby with wide smile and stepped out of the apartment after putting Tiffany's stuff inside before locking the door.

Tiffany frowned, "Um... what's going on?" She asked, Ruby turned around and linked her arm with Tiffany's.

"We've got a free for rest of the day to ourselves, and I feel like we should do something together." Ruby told her.

"And what would there be something to do?" Tiffany asked, lifting her one brow up in question look.

"Don't know... maybe we should go to the beach?" Ruby shrugged.

"It's not warm enough." Tiffany said.

"But best view." Ruby said chuckled.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and continued to walk with Ruby to the beach.

"So, Liv is working?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah, she hasn't come home last night, so I'm guessing she went home with some guy after her shift." Ruby rolled her eyes, sighing.

"She seriously needs to stop doing that. It's dangerous." Tiffany said, sighed.

"I know, but you heard what she said. We need money." Ruby said.

"There's so plenty of great jobs out there, and she chose to have a dangerous job, more than one to be exact." Tiffany said, Ruby nodded in agreement.

"I know." Ruby simply said.

Tiffany shakes her head, "She'll get herself hurt, and we can't be there to protect her all the time." She said.

"I know... but she'll never listen." Ruby said before seeing the beach in the distance as they're close to get there.

"We need to try harder." Tiffany said.

"I wish I knew how." Ruby said before stepping her foot onto sands as they're arrived at the beach, "Let's our day begins." She added, smiling at Tiffany.

"Let's our day begins." Tiffany said.


Hours went by, and Ruby and Tiffany were still walking on the beach while chatting as they've enjoyed their day together on the beach. Ruby looked over to the sea and dipped her feet in water after she took off her trainers.

"It's not bad. Come on." Ruby said, waving Tiffany over, but she hesitated for a bit.

"No... I'm good here." Tiffany said, step back a bit.

Ruby frowned, "It just a water... just dip your feet in. It's not like we will swim." Ruby said.

Tiffany shakes her head, "No, I'm fine, I don't want to get sick." She told her.

"All right, suit yourself." Ruby said, continued to walk in the water just above her ankles as Tiffany walk along side her but was not too close to water.

But then suddenly, Tiffany didn't see where she was going before crashing into something hard as rock, making her fall down, let out yelp in pain, and grimaced hard while closing her eyes as she was waiting to land on the ground, painfully but she felt soft... smooth... that's not how sand feels like... sand is like soft and rough. She slowly opened her eyes to see the boy who caught her in his... strong, muscled arms. She was speechless to see the boy who saved her life, but seeing how awesome he is, she just lost in words... actually, no, she just lost in his gorgeous dark brown eyes. But she wasn't the only one, the boy who seemed to be lost in her eyes as well. Sudden, the snickers sound in the background, making them snap of their lost thoughts. The boy who held Tiffany in his arms helped her to straight up and on her feet properly and cleared his throat while glaring at the boys behind him.

"Boys, behave." The bigger guy said who seemed to be 'leader', shaking his head at the group of hottest shirtless boys.

Ruby came over to Tiffany asking if she was okay, Tiffany nodded at her, "I'm good." She told her.

Ruby looked over to the group of boys, curiosity, but caught a glimpse of the 2 boys who she seemed recognised from the photo that her mother showed her when she was younger but they don't seemed to recognise her which she was glad as she dragged Tiffany away from the group of boys quicker, leaving them in confusion and frowning by her behaving towards them as if they were a threat to them.

As Tiffany is dragged away, "Ow! Ruby! Be gentle, will you?" She shouted.

Ruby let go of her, "Sorry." She apologised, "I didn't mean to."

"Now, will you tell me what the hell is going on? Do you know them?" Tiffany asked.

Ruby doesn't know what to say at this point and sighed, "No..." She said slowly.

"Really? Then why did you dragged me away like that?" Tiffany asked.

"It's nothing. Let's just get going." Ruby told her and continued to walk but quicker than usual with Tiffany following behind her, unsure what to think or to say but decided to drop it.


They've both arrived at the apartment and walked in to find Olivia, a 18 years old who just a year below her best friends, she has medium long straight hair length just half way down her spine with a beautiful slim body, pale skin but not too pale and her eyes were deep forest green that flickered like sunlight flitered through leaves, they called her Liv for short, was sorting out her equipment bag on counter, she looked up as soon as she heard the door opened and smiled at them, "Hey guys!"

"Hey, Liv." Ruby and Tiffany spoke at the same time.

Ruby noticed what Olivia was doing, "You've got a client coming here?" She asked, Olivia nodded.

"You know the drill." She told her.

"Yeah, yeah. Stay in our rooms until your client leaves, and get the message." Ruby said rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottle from the fridge to go upstairs to set up Netflix in her room.

Tiffany was about to get her bottle from the fridge as well, Olivia stopped her, looking at her concerned which made Tiffany to frown, "What's up?" She asked.

"Have you hurt yourself?" Olivia asked, pointing to Tiffany knee that has bandage wrapped around her knee and she was wearing short, which makes lots easier to see her white bandage with a little blood strain through.

"Oh... I was on my way home, I thought I heard something, and I tripped over." Tiffany said.

"Here." Olivia said, giving her first aid from the cupboard, "You should make sure that doesn't get infection, but if you do, shout, and I will fix it for you." Olivia said.

Tiffany looked at her, raised her eyebrows, "With what? Drugs?"

Olivia rolled her eyes, "This stuff isn't drugs, trust me." She told her.

"Whatever you say." Tiffany said, not convincing as she went upstairs to the bathroom to fix her wound.


This is what Tiffany wore...

This is what Tiffany wore

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