42: Not Over... Yet

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Everyone went back inside the Cullen's household. The only people who weren't inside were Klaus, Elijah, Edward, and the Uley pack because Klaus and Elijah had to go back to their family and make sure that they're safe. Edward and the Uley pack had to run to La Push to Sue's house to find out what had going on, Leah had to stay behind with the Cullen while Carlisle checked on her and he will do his best to save her with help from Scott and Derek who knew what to do and to help Carlisle to save Leah. Rosalie and Alice were in the dining room, pacing around while kept ringing to their loved ones who still hadn't returned, Kol and Marcel were also still missing. Klaus promised Carlisle that Klaus and Elijah would bring Jared and Quil back at the Cullen's household once they've gotten better and have the strength to move. Esme, Rosalie, Alice, Peter, and Malia are downstairs, waiting.

Sudden, a scream was heard. Everyone downstairs flinched and grimaced at the sound, "Oh poor her. What are they doing to her?" Esme asked while looking at Peter, who sat on the couch with Malia next to him.

"They had to burn it to rid of wolfsbane. It is only one way." Peter said, Esme gasped while covered her mouth and shook her head, "I know how it is sound, but that's how you will stop the poisoning." He added, gave sympathetic glance, and rubbed Malia back lightly.

Esme sighed and looked over to her adoptive daughters, who were still pacing around and worried for their mates, "Honey, have you heard from them yet?" She asked sweetly.

Rosalie yelled in frustration and sat down next to Esme, let out huffed, "No... what if -"

"No, don't say that. We can't think of the worst." Esme pulled Rosalie to her side.

Peter looked over to Malia and furrowed his brows, "Why are they different?" He asked.

"They're vampires." Malia told him.

"Vampires?" Peter questioned, Malia nodded.

Carlisle and Scott came downstairs, Esme looked up, "Is she alright?" She asked worriedly.

"She is fine, just resting. The wolfsbane is gone now, and she's healing." Carlisle gave a small smile before taking a seat next to his wife.

"Where's Derek?" Peter asked.

"Staying with Leah." Scott said before sitting down next to his girlfriend with a slight smile from his face, but Peter could see it right away.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked, confused.

"Derek... imprinted."

Esme looked over to Carlisle, "He wasn't only the one, Leah imprinted." He told her, Esme eyes goes widened.

"Wait, are you saying that they just imprinted on each other?" Rosalie asked, Carlisle nodded while smiling.

"Oh, Leah. I bet she was happy about that. She clearly went through so much." Esme said, smiled softly, "I hope this, friendship or... relationship will help her with her heartbroken." Carlisle nodded in agreement.

"Sam will be happy."

"And Emily."


The Uley pack arrived, went behind the trees to phase back, and put on clothes, Edward walked away from them to give them privacy. Sam stepped out and ran toward Sue's house with everyone, followed behind him, Sue and Emily stepped out of the house after seeing them through the window, Emily jumped in Sam's arms, while Sue pulled his son in her arms, sighed in relief that he was safe, she pulled away and look around, confused, "Seth, where's your sister?" She asked.

"Uh, she got hurt." Seth said nervously.


"But she will be okay. Carlisle will know what to do." Seth nodded reassuringly, Sue hesitated but nodded, knowing her daughter would be okay as Carlisle was a doctor, and she trusted him to take care of her daughter.

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