45: Meeting Willow

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As soon as the news of Willow's arrival, after Freya, Rebekah, and Emmelina were last, walked in, and then shortly later, Chris drove over to Cullen household with the girls. Tiffany was so excited to meet her niece, not by blood, but Tiffany, Ruby, and Olivia were sisters since in their teens. As soon as Tiffany heard the news and she was super nervous about meeting her babies very soon, and she was terrified about the birth and everything as she wasn't expecting to be pregnant this soon, Paul and Tiffany were being careful. Ruby was thrilled to hear the news of her niece, who decided to come a little early but was happy to hear that the baby was healthy and had no issues. Ruby hasn't met the baby yet as she want to wait for Tiffany so they can walk together to meet their niece. While she waits for her best friend, everyone takes turns to meet the baby, everyone was so happy to meet the baby as it is very rare for everyone to see a baby for the first time minus Hope of course but Hope is over a year old and no one especially the Hale-McCall never meet a newborn baby before and they are about to meet more of those as Tiffany will about to have babies closer to summertime which is like few months away from now. Her babies will be due in July, but multiple babies are likely to come early it depends on their choices. Sue was overexcited to meet the baby as she is practically Willow's grandmother figure since she is Olivia's mother figure, Leah and Seth already met Willow, and they were so excited to spoil her already. Emmelina already rang Garrett the news, and the Denali are already on their way to meet the baby very soon. Garrett is practically Olivia's uncle figure, and he is part of the family, and he should meet the baby that Olivia wants him to be there too. Emmett, of course, just like Leah and Seth as he is already spoiled Willow, and he is like a happy, great uncle. Olivia even asked Rosalie to hold her daughter, and Rosalie always wished that she wasn't a vampire so she could burst in tears, a sloppy mess. Rosalie was so happy to hold a baby for the first time, everyone can tell how much Rosalie wanted to have children and meeting Willow for the first time hit her hardest.

Once Chris arrived with the ladies, Tiffany and Ruby went upstairs to go to the examination room to meet their best friend and new niece, Ruby opened the door and walked in with Tiffany behind her, they both gasped at the sight, Olivia lay on bed with baby Willow in her arms in pink blanket wrapped around her and a dummy in her mouth, sleeping peacefully.

"Oh, Liv, she's so gorgeous." Ruby said in awe as she took a closer look at Willow while smiling down on her.

Tiffany came over to them, seeing how beautifully her niece is, her eyes full of tears and her hands placed on her chest in awe. She really hates her hormones, "Rubes is right. She's stunning."

"Just like her mother." Ruby smiled.

Olivia smiled softly, "Thanks."

"Did Quil really imprinted on Willow without giving you a chance to hold her?" Ruby asked.

"Wait, what?" Tiffany exclaimed.

"Yeah, the moment Liv gave birth, Quil the one helped her to deliver the baby, and he imprinted on her." Ruby explained.

Tiffany jaw dropped in shock, "Oh wow... that's... erm, unexpected surprise." Tiffany said.

"But how do you feel about it?" Ruby asked, looked over to her best friend.

"Well, knowing that Willow will be safe with the pack and she's the imprint like Tiffany's. I trust Quil... he was a good friend to me, to all of us." Olivia said while watching down on her daughter.

"Well, that's good."

"Yeah, just what she said."

"Are you excited for yours?"

"No way. I'm terrified."

Ruby chuckled softly, "Hey. Olivia has done hers, and you can do it as well."

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