01: Coffee Shop

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A 19 years old girl with brown wavy hair length just below her collarbone, she has beautiful hazel eyes that stand out perfectly to her slightly tan skin, and her thin body, almost skinny to her bones but just perfect and she's slightly taller, just about 5ft 7 making her legs look like slender especially when she's tall, was making a cup of espresso for customer who ordered it and once she'd done with making it and turn around as she place the cup onto counter before going over to cashier and typing in before cashier ping, a sign that money drawer opened itself and looked up to the customer, smiling at the elderly man who she has seen every morning for a coffee, "That would be-" being interrupted by this gentleman.

"£2.75, I know, Shelly." He said with a wink and gave over the money.

The girl laughed at the nickname that he gave for her because of her last name and wanted to give something funny nickname that he had never stopped using it since day one, when they've first met after she moved in town about three years ago when she was only 16 years old with her mother. But no one still hasn't met her mother yet or seen her in town at all since then, which is a bit unusual for everyone's thoughts but decided to shrugged it off and probably thinking her mother is a very busy businesswoman or something like that, that everyone hardly see her anywhere.

"Thank you, Henry." She spoke with kindness and taken the money off him before counting and to get some changes for him, "And -" another interrupted.

"Treat yourself." The man that the girl called him, Henry said before taking his cup to the table that he always sat for years, by the window in the corner in the far back.

"Oh Henry, no, I shouldn't." The girl said.

"Please, I insisted." He told her.

The girl sighed, "Thank you, sir." A smile starts to form and treats herself with a cookie.

A few hours went by, and she was almost done with her shift. She's cleaning the dishes at the moment until, "Tiffany! You've got a customer, and also, you're closing tonight." Her boss called out before leaving the coffee shop, Native Grounds Espresso is a place called she worked in. As she took gloves off and walked over to the counter, she was so happy to see this so-called a customer that her boss claimed to be, chuckling as she walked over to the counter, there stood her best friend, called Ruby and she's 19 years old just like herself, she has a long dark brown hair length just above her bum and she's also taller too but a bit taller than Tiffany, 5ft 8 1/2 and her skin is tan almost black but mixture as her mother is dark and her father isn't but more like tan so she's just in between, she's also skinny but not enough to her bones like Tiffany was also she has chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey Ruby." The girl that her boss called her from earlier, Tiffany said.

"Hey Tiff." Another girl that Tiffany called, Ruby said with a smile and gave her lunch container, "I'm working late tonight, and Liv got called in for work as well, so I made you a spaghetti for you to take it home to save you from cooking tonight." She added, smiled.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and leaned over to her a bit, "Bikini on sale?" She whispered, preferred it as a stripper, Ruby nodded, also rolling her eyes too. "I don't understand why she is still doing that." She said, sighed frustration.

"I know. Anyway, I should get going now, I've put a little too much spaghetti in it, so you're welcome to share it with your mom if she's home." Ruby said.

"Thank you, Ruby, will do. So, I will see you tomorrow then? I'm off in lunch time." Tiffany said.

"Of course, I'm off tomorrow, so we have a place to ourselves then." Ruby said, smiled.

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then." Tiffany said as Ruby waved her off before walking out of the coffee shop, and Tiffany went back to her work after putting her lunch container in the fridge.

Another hour went by, and she flipped the open sign to now closed before cleaning the tables that the customers had been used from earlier, then picking up garbage before leaving the coffee shop in the back to throw away garbage in dumper then locking back door after went in to get her lunch container.

She put her keys away in her bag safely before getting onto her bike and rode about 40 miles to the place where she'd stayed, which she hadn't been using for weeks, she was hardly home at all as she always stayed over at her best friends apartment which they don't mind and loving her company, they were like a sisters, blood or not. But since they both are out for work, Tiffany had to go home... alone.

She stopped in front of the forest, and before taking a deep breath, she didn't really like the idea of living in the woods. Well, technically, she'd live on the beach, but in order to get there, she had to go through the woods to get there, which is the quicker way to get there. She got off her bike and walked aside her bike as she started to walk over to her place, which would take about 20 mins from where she'd stand. She begins to sing to ease her nervousness of what the possibilities would happen through those woods on her own with nothing to defend herself, but she isn't a good fighter these days.

About halfway there, she suddenly tripped and scraped her knee, making her gasp in pain, "Ah! Damn..." She said, checking over her knee to see it bleeding but not as bad as she thought, and took her bandana from her wrist that was tied around it, wrapping it around her knee, she jumped around when she heard the rustling sound behind her, "Hello?!" She called out. There was no answer, but she didn't even think twice, quickly get up, and decided to continue her little trip to her cabin hurriedly.

She sighed in relief as she finally arrived at her cabin and left her bike by the tree before quickly getting inside, then locked the door before letting out a loud sigh, "Well, that was fun." She said to herself and decided to take a bath after fixing her wound.


Maybe a short boring chapter to start with, but don't worry, soon will get better.

This is Tiffany's cabin...

This is Tiffany's cabin

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