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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

Nestled within the walls of the Ranoa Magic Academy was the Student Council Room.

A room that has little difference from any other room in the whole Academy.

No fancy decorations - A window, some tables and chairs, a teapot, and a relatively inexpensive sofa.

On those tables were numerous papers scribbled with assorted reports, complaints, and... Gossip unrelated to School Matters?

Moving on...

The lack of decoration is an odd prospect - Considering the status and influence of said room.

One would assume it would have been decorated lavishly to embolden the claim of its power.

That is what the Principal would have gone with.

Yet, the Principal's hands are tied in this matter - The choice of embellishment in regards to the Student Council Room is up to the Council itself.

And, the Council chose not to flaunt its power, influence, or monetary advantages.

They decided to keep it simple and modest, a reflection of their dedication to practicality over opulence.

However, "They" is inaccurate in this context.

All of the Student Council's moves are dictated by one sole individual - The Student Council President.

Ariel Anemoi Asura - Second Princess Of The Asura Kingdom, 4th Year Normal Student in this fine Academy as well as its proud and blessed Student Council President.

This young lady's looks are beyond praise:

Long and smooth cascading blonde hair, enchanting blue eyes, and a modest yet generous figure.

She is, without a doubt, a dazzling young woman whose mere glance may seduce even the strongest-willed men.


Currently, Ariel is writing a letter to a prospective ally.

Thus, under the light of the sun that beamed at her through the window, Ariel's visage looked picturesque as she peacefully wrote - Her countenance soft yet concentrated on the task of writing.

Eventually, the sunlight started to blind her, much to her annoyance so she got up to cover the window with the curtains.

On her way to the window, a single knock on the door stopped her in her tracks.

Turning to the door, a practiced smile etched onto her face and her much-rehearsed voice called out to the visitor, "Enter, Luke!"

At her words, the door creaked open, revealing the resolute figure of Luke as he approached Ariel.

Bowing as courtesy and etiquette dictate, Ariel absentmindedly reciprocates Luke's gesture by courtesying herself.

She gazed into his eyes, and saw a familiar glint - He had something to report to her.

Something important.

Nodding, she gestured to the table and chairs - Both of them walking there and taking a seat.

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