A Dragon There Was, Alive It Is Not

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

The sun was shining brightly, indicating midday, upon the breathtaking Frozen Forest north of the Holy Land Of Swords, a few dozen kilometers from the Frozen Ocean coast.

Our group of misfits, led by Satoru had traveled for three days, rather slowly as Satoru kept a leisurely pace, marveling at the sights and most importantly - Learning the Language.

Much to Eris's frustration.

Whether Alistair or Relna cared was a moot point, this duty acts as a vacation to the easygoing Sword Saints from their training, their ambitions no higher than Sword King after all - if their talent allows for it, Relna would pessimistically mention.


Satoru pointed at an insect, Alistair quickly responded, "Taiga Millepede."

Alistair, being the individual who was responsible for around 80% of Satoru's language progress, with the occasional 20% help from Relna, noticed the frustrated Eris and thought of a wise idea.

Eris, silently fuming, noticed Alistair looking at her, as she glared at him back, a nervous smile on his face as he said, "Why not try teaching him the language as well? It's a fun way to pass the time while we travel." He suggested

Eris's steps on the snow slow down considerably as she considers the option.

'It is a little boring, nothing has attacked us yet. It's just been this... Walking and Gojo learning.' She mulled

'Fine, just like Rudeus taught me.' The idea of teaching Satoru gained merit the moment she was reminded of her times with Rudeus.

Despite the reluctance she felt in regard to the Eccentric Satoru, she decided to help him.

Eris asked reluctantly with a sigh, "What haven't you covered yet?" her steps gained back their momentum.

Prompting a proud smile on Alistair's face and a surprised look from Relna.

Satoru however... Gained a wicked grin, which he quickly masked with a pondering expression, making a show of deep thinking, his finger holding his chin.

"Hmm... Bodyparts." He said nonchalantly, walking backward, managing to avoid trees as if he could see behind himself.

"How is he doing that Nya?" Relna wondered aloud innocently, observing how Satoru was walking, weaving to the side each time a tree blocked his straight path from behind.

"Either Gojo has incredible instincts or it's his Demon Eyes... Perhaps they provide 360-degree vision?" Alistair responded, confident in his answer.

Nevertheless, Satoru ignored Relna's and Alistair's conversation in favor of his... "Learning", Proceeding to point a finger on his lips, Eris translated her tone monotonous, "Lips."

He continued with his hair, Eris followed through, "Hair."

Then his chest, "Chest" she translated in monotony

Then his belly, "Belly" she translated once again in that monotone voice.

Then... His crotch?

"Penis." She translated, her face incredibly serious and emotionless.

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