Interlude - Instantaneous Notoriety

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Midday in the Holy Land of Swords felt frigid, with the weak sun offering little warmth. The resilient locals had long adjusted to these conditions, their daily routines and rituals unaffected by the chilly weather.

At the Main Sword God Dojo's Living Quarters, Alistair stood before a door.

He knocked rhythmically as he called out, "Relna! You there? It's Alistair!"

He heard steady footsteps echoing louder and louder as they approached the door, leading to it being opened revealing before him a tidy room and a rather exhausted Beast Race Woman, "What is it nya~?" she mumbled, her voice heavy with exhaustion as she sighed, her eyes half-closed.

Alistair's expression shifted to one of apology, upon noticing Relna's sleepy condition, "Oh... Sorry, I was just about to go visit Gojo and see how he was doing. Eris had rejected the invitation, but still, I thought it prudent to ask you as well!"

At the mere mention of "Gojo," Relna's drowsy demeanor instantly transformed into an alert one as she vehemently replied, "No way nya! I've had enough of him from yesterday when he was here!"

Alistair considered her words, "Yesterday? Oh... So you must be the one behind that recent rumor of his."

Relna deadpanned, "Which rumor? There are too many! Ah... He's been here for only 4 days and he's already notorious nya..."

Alistair answered her honestly, "The most recent one: "Gojo Satoru Is A Shameless Home Invader", or so they say." He shook his head with a mix of amusement, exasperation, and helplessness.

Relna's eyes lit up in an undecipherable emotion, "Yeah... I'm behind that one nya."

A grimace took hold of her face as she recalled that recent and most unpleasant memory to Alistair.

-Flashback Start-

At the level of Sword Saint and above the difference in performance and power between each rank is overwhelming.

Yet, the actual skill level isn't all too different.

There are no new techniques beyond the Longsword Of Light which is a Saint Ranked Sword God Technique.

If that is so, why is there such a great difference in power and performance between a Sword Saint and a Sword King, not to mention the Sword Emperors and the Sword God?

The answer is... Fundamentals.

A Sword King's slash is more refined, faster, and stronger in contrast to a Sword Saint's slash.

At that level, it becomes an art.

Refined through thousands of hours of sheer and unfiltered hard work, practice and discipline.

As such, from Sword Saint level and above the only way to improve is...

Sparing and refining the existing Sword Techniques through fundamentals.

Is your stance perfect?

Is the level of power you exert in each muscle as you swing your sword perfect?

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