Meeting The Sword God

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Ghislaine's brows furrowed, her puzzled expression mirroring the bafflement etched across the faces of the remaining Sword Saints in response to her unexpected statement.

"N-NO MANA?!" Their unified exclamation rang out, eyes nearly popping from their sockets as they stared at the gleeful Satoru, who relished every moment of their reaction.

Completely devoid of mana, an anomaly in itself, is one thing.

But doing all this without a speck of it?


Mana is a prerequisite for Battle Aura, how else could he have managed to have such obscene strength?

Mana is a necessity for any Magic, how else could he have managed to be an excellent Wind Mage otherwise?

No one knew.

And that scared them all.

The supernatural sight of snow rising from the ground and floating around Satoru's figure served as both a display of power and condescension.

He relished the absurdity of the scene, fully aware of the lack of mana, enjoying every twist in their expressions.

At this revelation, Ghislaine's hair stood on end, yet she held her ground, waiting for Satoru's next move. His eyes remained fixed on her, calm and amused to no end.

Those mystical and captivating eyes, which at first made her suspect were a variant of Demon Eyes.

But without any mana pumping into them...

They were clearly something else.

Yet another tense silence enveloped the dojo, with only the sound of snowfall, struggling breaths, and whimpering breaking the quietude.

The silence shattered with Satoru's loud yet disappointed tone, "Aww, you just had to arrive when things were getting interesting..." He pouted, turning to see Alistair running towards them.

The floating snow and debris surrounding Satoru dropped unceremoniously at his statement.

Alistair, now within proper conversation distance, froze upon seeing the extent of the damage.

"ALISTAIR, GET RID OF HIM! YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE!" one of the Sword Saints demanded, trying to make Alistair take responsibility for the chaos.

A complicated expression, mingling guilt and frustration, crossed Alistair's face as he struggled to come up with what to say, he glared at the pouting Satoru, "You know, when you said your next move was a surprise... I never expected it to be, This. Regardless of how amusing you may have found it, this was just too far..." Alistair attempted to calm his anger, only to fail to do so as he chastised Satoru as composed as he could.

Satoru stated as he tilted his head innocently, "Oops~?"

Ghislaine turned towards Alistair, her guard still vigilant.

"You know him, Alistair?" she asked openly.

Alistair nodded as he approached Ghislaine, "Yes. Eris may have neglected to tell you this, but I was a part of the Patrol Duty with her, we brought Gojo into town together."

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