Battle Climax

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Gal's eyes narrowed at the Large Blue Orb, feeling a subtle pull towards it as it formed, getting stronger and stronger as it was forming. 'Not any known Wind Spell I know of... Yet nothing else makes much sense to me.'

Gal was perplexed, at the sight of the Blue Orb.

Wind magic does not appear in such a form, and Satoru's previous gravitational pulls and blasts could be argued to be a form of concentrated wind blasts, a level of Magic Control Gal has yet to meet, but any other explanation seemed alien to him.

'Striking first with that in the way sounds like trouble... Change of plans.' Gal analyzed the poor thought of trying to combat the floating Satoru midair whilst that orb was in the mix.

Thus, his conclusion was simple - Observe and react.

Such was the approach towards the unknown.

Perhaps contradictory to the aggressive nature of the Sword God and the Sword God Style itself.

However, Gal was not only a Sword God.

He was also a Water Emperor.

The Water God Style seemed to fit in this scenario, much to Gal's disappointment as he had his pride as THE Sword God, and relying on this was petty.

But, Gal was a Warrior, and all was fair on the battlefield.

'I'll wait for him to return to the ground for a more even playing field,' Gal decided as the fight resumed.

Then, the blue orb hurtled toward Gal at a manageable speed, uprooting trees and snow in its path.

Gal swiftly evaded the approaching blue orb, weaving through trees and frozen bushes, only to be met with the sudden appearance of Satoru.

'Teleportation,' Gal confirmed, watching the second sudden appearance of Satoru.

Launching another smaller Blue at Gal, attempting to pull him toward the larger Blue, Satoru was immediately met with Gal's evasion. "I know your tricks now!"

Undeterred, Satoru initiated an offensive kick. Gal, employing his "Flow" technique to redirect the kick, found his effort thwarted by Infinity. The kick pressed on, undeterred.

With a click of his tongue, Gal unleashed the full force of his Battle Aura, blocking Satoru's kick with his Sword. The impact reverberated through the Frozen Forest, generating a shockwave of wind, cracking the ground, and sending snow spiraling.

The shockwave intertwined with the impact, followed by the Large Blue Orb slamming into the ground. Satoru failed to send Gal hurtling towards it.

Yet, Satoru's grin persisted, his heart racing.

'Even with that, he still managed to block my kick in time...' Satoru mused, acknowledging Gal's speed.

'With someone as swift as him... How do I win?' Satoru pondered, Six Eyes locked on Gal, sensing an imminent assault.

Satoru's grin broadened, 'I can try that... Should I try that?!'

"Hoh, you've got one hell of a look on you, boy," Gal remarked, exuding bloodthirst in his expression.

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