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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

The autumn sun shone brightly above the clear blue sky, its light providing much-needed yet lacking warmth to the eternal frost that covers the Holy Land Of Swords.

A fitting bright day for an extremely bright and happy event for the residents of the Holy Land Of Swords - Especially the Sword Saints.

The much-anticipated departure of their resident troublemaker - Gojo Satoru.

Indeed, it was never a matter of if, but when.

The residents eagerly awaited the departure of their troublesome resident.

Oh, how they longed to discover the exact moment their tormentor would bid the town farewell!

Ironically, Gojo Satoru's talent in Sword God which the Sword Saints greatly envied and were befuddled by, was the reason he decided to leave - Having mastered the art in a mere six months.

Considering him just another member of the Human Species would be a gross understatement.

It would be more apt to call him an indisputable Phenomenon - To most, a natural disaster.

Like a hurricane, he arrived before the lives of the people in this land, defeating a Great Power and flaunting his power and ego left and right carelessly, his talent indescribable as he mastered an ancient sword art in record speed, in an unorthodox manner to add to the absurdness.

His name, he gladly gave without hesitation.

His titles, describe him perfectly.

[The Anomaly] - 6th Of The Seven Great Powers.

[Delirious Sword Emperor] - The 4th Greatest User Of Sword God Style.

All these titles belong to the phenomenon known as Gojo Satoru.

And fittingly...

A crowd gathered before the town's main gate, undeterred by the cold, as a man destined to be etched into the annals of history prepared to embark on his journey to an unknown destination...

Never to return - A passing legend and tale destined to echo through generations in this Frozen Land.


As if he could just leave quietly and not further dirty his reputation with his pretentious antics.

...Whatever part of it that isn't dirty anyway.

There he stood in front of the gate and crowd, his posture and look eye-catching as always.

Obsidian black clothing, Phantom Edge sheathed and strapped to his waist.

A stylish backpack he expensively bought for himself to carry his minimal needs.

And of course, not withholding the iconic shades that hide his enigmatic eyes from the rest of the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present - The "Self-proclaimed" Paragon Of Fashion!

Which held some truth, at least.

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