The White Haired Buffoon: Gojo Satoru VS The Sword God: Gal Farion

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

A momentary pout formed on Satoru's face at Eris's interruption of his grand introduction.

Of course, the white-haired ape bounced back with a witty reply.

In a familiar manner, causing Eris's eyes to twitch, he wrapped his body as he shouted in a helpless and scared tone, "Kya~! The lioness is growling at me! She's about to pounce! Save me~!" Fake tears welled in his eyes as he reminisced about the supposedly traumatic memories of her ravaging him.

And failing.

But, as he would argue, the intention was what truly mattered.

A tick mark appeared on Eris's face, and exasperation seized her, yet she did nothing but attempt to control her anger.

'Again with this?' She grumbled in her head, left with no choice but to grumble.

The Violent Approach - Eris's expertise, wasn't an option when it came to dealing with Satoru.

At least in her case, he's pretty much untouchable.

To her utter dismay.

At this peculiar interaction, Gal raised an eyebrow, noting the absence of Eris's usual aggressive response.

Typically, interrupting her training and speaking so boldly towards her, especially without being her clear superior in strength, would result in a one-sided beating, or at the least, a minor scuffle.

Which, surprisingly, wasn't happening.

To Gal, it seems Satoru has managed to neuter the Mad Dog.

Amusement flickered in Gal's eyes as he burst into laughter, unable to contain himself, "PFT-BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Satoru abandoned his Chastity Protection stance, pointing a finger at the amused Gal.

His expression radiated satisfaction as he directed his Glowing Eyes at both Eris and Ghislaine, "Someone gets it!"

With his laughter subsiding, Gal wiped a tear from his eye, "You're quite the character! Haven't laughed like that in a while!"


He posed a question, "I recall Eris here mentioned you, ruining her chance of slaying the Snow Dragon. Not really appreciative of it either - I had hoped it'd distract the brat for a little longer." Gal's tone was amused as he threw a glance at Eris, who was getting irritated by the minute.

Satoru shrugged, with a smirk "It was in the way. Besides, it was pretty weak~"

'Pretty weak is it?' Gal thought with glee

Regaining a fierce look, Gal's eyes gleamed with a bloodthirsty crazed smirk, "So you came here for training on the Sword God Style, is it, Gojo Satoru? I won't bother with the formalities and reasons... I'll bother after I test whether you're worthy of my teachings. Personally. You wouldn't mind, would you?" He asked rhetorically, already having gleamed onto Satoru's own mutual battle craze.

Satoru's goofy expression fell at the drop of a hat, as he mirrored Gal's own expression, "I wouldn't have had it any other way."

A suffocating atmosphere enveloped the room as Gal reached for his sheathed Sword - Windpipe.

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