Interlude - Quagmire

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Nestled within the Kingdom of Ranoa, the captivating Magic City of Sharia proudly claimed its status as the home to the world's grandest school of magic - The renowned Ranoa Magic Academy, also known as the Ranoa University of Magic.

Funded generously by the esteemed Magic Guilds of the Magic Triumvirate, this prestigious institution boasted an expansive campus that catered to the aspirations of over 10,000 enrolled students. The sheer magnitude of its student body set it apart.

The campus itself was a spectacle, its size and grandeur so imposing that even the main building surpassed the opulence of the most extravagant castles.

However, what truly distinguished the Ranoa Magic Academy was its reputation for tolerance and open-mindedness.

Regardless of tribe, species, or social standing, aspiring individuals were welcomed into its prestigious halls, provided they possessed the capacity for magic and a fervent desire to learn.

This inclusivity, however, came with a caveat - A cost of three Asura Gold Coins annually.

Yet, like most things in life, there were exceptions to the norm: the Special Students.

These individuals enjoyed unique privileges granted by the school in exchange for the institution's right to advertise their excellence post-graduation.

Some of these privileges included:

Exemption from any school expenses.

Freedom from mandatory classes except for a monthly homeroom.

Most importantly - For the more free-spirited or research-obsessed individuals, being a Special Student meant being essentially free to pursue whatever they liked within the school's walls.

Whether it involved asserting dominance by bullying the weak and proclaiming you and your mighty sister as the bosses of the school only to be beaten up by the silent elf bodyguard of the princess.

Becoming a summoning magic-obsessed shut-in.

Or even following a questionable deity's advice to cure your erectile dysfunction.

The choices were as diverse as the Magic Curriculum itself.

Thus, as part of a strategic move to enhance their standing, the Academy would send letters of invitation to renowned individuals, offering them admission free of charge.

An apparently shameless tactic that, nevertheless, continued to be effective, benefiting both the students and the institute.

A win-win situation, if you will.

And so, our focus shifts to one such Special Student - An intriguing first-year named Rudeus Greyrat of the Quagmire.

Renowned as a Water Saint Class Mage, an A-Rank Adventurer, a formidable Dragon Slayer, and most recently - The One who defeated Demon Lord Badigadi in a duel.

A duel that heavily favored him, Rudeus was certain that if Badigadi had fought him seriously, he would have been in big trouble.

'I'm grateful he held back with his punch.' Rudeus thanked his Goddess, Roxy-sama for the small mercy.

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