First Contact

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Alistair, Relna, and Eris found themselves on the tedious Patrol Duty, a requirement for Swordsmen at the Rank of Saint and below to complete every once in a while.

The Holy Land of Swords, with its unforgiving weather, made farming nearly impossible.

Instead, the residents relied on hunting and merchant supply lines for sustenance, creating a high demand for food.

Patrol Duty wasn't about hunting for food; a separate party handled that task.

Their mission was to protect the borders of the Holy Land of Swords, ensuring powerful monsters and predators didn't threaten the young and adventurous swordsmen or disrupt the local wildlife, which could lead to food shortages.

Typically, a 3-man patrol party consisted of Intermediate-ranked swordsmen with a single Advanced Rank Sword God Wielder.

However, this time was different.

It was a three-man party, and each member held the esteemed title of Sword Saint. The reason for this powerful patrol group was the sighting of a Snow Dragon in the area a week prior.

After three days of riding, they decided to set up camp and start their survey the next day. However, an uneasy feeling hung in the air.

"Err, I feel a creepy chill here nya... I don't think it's a good idea to camp here," Relna expressed her concern as she dropped her backpack on the chosen campsite.

Relna, a Beast Race girl with cascading brown hair, distinctive cat ears, a fit figure, and characteristically large breasts, appeared to be around 20 years old. She wore a modest two-handed sword at her hip and clothing made of leather and chain, seemingly unaffected by the cold.

Alistair, a human boy around 18 years old, with rough, curly blonde hair and a muscular yet not overly bulky build, seemed to have noble origins. He shared similar equipment with Relna.

Ignoring Relna's instincts, Alistair knelt down to start a fire, throwing an amused glance at Eris, the silent redhead who also deigned to ignore their partner's instincts.

Eris, around 16 years old, was a human girl with unkempt shoulder-length red hair, a physically fit figure, and large breasts.

She, too, carried a sword, and her recent duty had interrupted her training. A fact she was not all too pleased about.

"Grrr," Eris growled in thinly veiled irritation.

Alistair, reacting to her warning, quickly understood her unspoken message: "Don't talk to me. And definitely don't look at me."

Recognizing Eris's fearsome reputation, Alistair couldn't help but gulp. He thought, 'As expected of the Master Gal's Mad Dog...'

While Eris had become relatively more composed lately, her sudden duty, imposed under the threat of halting her training by the Sword God Gal Farion, had caught her off guard.

'For something this stupid!?' Eris thought, her frustration causing her to shatter a rock in her hand, making Relna yelp and Alistair gulp audibly.

It seems the threat of a Snow Dragon was of no concern to her.

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