chapter 34

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"Atsumu, hi," I say. He looks tired, extremely tired. He is depressed as well. I feel bad, horribly bad. Was there really nothing that I could've done for them?

"Hey. I'm glad you're okay."

"I'm sorry for-

"Could you... tell me what happened, the day my brother died?"

"After we left UA with Kaito, we talked about getting ice cream. We were going to meet, the next day, at Kaito's, we were supposed to watch a movie- it happened so fast-" My lips quivered as I try to speak of what happened after, the look in Atsumu's eyes, I couldn't tell him, but he deserved to know. "In blink of an eye- both of them were stabbed- I couldn't save them-" Tears threaten the corner of my eyes.

"Osamu wanted me to tell you- he wanted me to tell you he's sorry."

"Sorry? Yeah, yeah he should be sorry. He should be sorry for dying. How could he just-" Tears spring from his eyes? I immediately hugged him. "It's okay," I say, "We were supposed to be heroes together-" He hugs me back, "How dare he just die on me?"

"Osamu was a great guy, we will miss him. His death won't be in vain... I'll make sure it isn't." He calmed down a bit.

"Who... killed my brother?" Kei told me that information is confidential but Atsumu deserves to know.

"It was a man named Dai. They call him Zenon in the PLF. He is 18, a little more than 6 feet, has a white stripe in his black hair. His quirk is bone manipulation. He is also a professional in martial arts."

"And is he...captured?"

"No, he isn't, not yet. But I will make sure he pays for what he did, I promise."

"I will help you, I will avenge my brother."

After our talk we settled back in the class. Tooru wasn't lying, Sensei gave us a briefing of the current events, he also mentioned how the class will be called again after my meeting with everyone. Sensei then assigned everyone work—- helping in the evacuation, and transfer of supplies and stuff. He did not assign me any work, saying something along the lines of "You should rest", and as much as I wanted to disagree since my license is suspended, I can't really do much. Does Sensei know my license was suspended?

- - -

2 Days Later

"Just like we rehearsed kiddo, don't let anything slip and stick to the story. No matter what they say, try to be as monotonous as possible. They'll be watching your every reaction."

Kei says outside the conference room. My heart is beating so fast I feel like it might just burst. This might just be scarier than what actually happened. According to Kei, if I mess this up the Hero Public Safety Commission will make me their next suspect.

No pressure.

Kei enters the conference room before me. My breath gets caught in my throat when I see everyone Kei spoke of, sitting and clearly waiting for me to arrive. I look towards my watch, not late, they're just early.

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