chapter 20

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It's been eight days since the VA started. We have training every day. I don't get to interact with the other classmates when they are practicing with Stain and Toga, I and Ren get stuck with Dabi. I don't feel like talking to them either. I may be an introvert but I still need my fair share of human interaction. While I do get to spend my meals with Shoyo and evenings after practice with Shirofuku I wish I could meet my friends again. I miss Kei as well.

Dabi has gone easy on me and Ren since the first day. Ren's wounds have lessened and now you can see his face again. Dabi declared Ren's physical stats to be S, he declared mine to be A. His combat skills as B and mine as SS. And at the end, he declared his quirk stats to be a B+ and mine as a C. I am a bit offended, but I understand where he is coming from. I have used my quirk about five times up till now. I and Ren are neck to neck with most of our strengths, we try to up the other making us unofficial rivals. Dabi still never had us fight one another. I so wish he did.

Our days are very intense. Even so, we do get Sundays off. Although 'Sundays off' in their language means 'we won't let you out of your room unless it is for eating.' Hence it's no good either. Although this time I'm not sure if it's a new concept they are planning although they said they'll take us out today. I don't understand what 'out' means and I'm somewhat worried to know it too.

Dabi isn't present today. We all are being taken to some place by bus. The windows are all blocked with black paint and hence it is clear that they still do not trust us. I am sitting on the second last seat with Shoyo. We have Toga with us who is happily talking to the kids in the front. There's something I've been meaning to talk to with Shoyo and with the villains not guarding us like a hawk, it's the best time. Also with all the noise in the bus, I'm sure no one will hear our conversation.

"Shoyo, I want to escape. Will you help me?" His eyes widen in surprise. I don't blame him, it's a nearly impossible task but he's the only one I'm sure I can trust. "Y/n I-" "I know this is sudden, but I know you don't want to be here either. There's no one else I can count on right now." I keep talking but Shoyo stops me with his hand on my mouth. "Please don't say anything else. I am sorry but I can't help you. I think you have got me wrong,

I wanted to join VA."

No way. "I know I don't fit in with your normal stereotypes but it is what it is." If you could taste lies, I'm sure it would taste sour. He is clearly lying. I didn't ask him to join me on a whim. And it's not the classic stereotypes that have me trust him, I have been observing his movements to most of my abilities and it does not make sense. The nervousness and anxiety constantly present in his aura, his uneasiness of being here, his lack of excitement or motivation, and how his behavior is quite similar to mine when it comes to disregarding the shit talk these villains have against the heroes.

"Look I understand this is a difficult thing I'm asking you but don't lie to me. Stain never revealed the names of the kids who were forced to be here so I don't think I can trust anyone else. Please at least tell me what is going on."

"I can't!" He raises his voice. Everyone starts staring at us. "You won't understand." He whispers before leaving our seat to catch one ahead. I want to stop him but I cannot cause more drama as all eyes are on us. I bang my head against the window and groan. I hear snickers behind me.

"Pissed off the one person who liked you. I expected nothing less."

"Shut up Ren."

- - -

We are on a hill. I'm not quite like this. I found out that to my dismay, there was one car filled with villains following us all along the ride in case any of us tried any funny business. As if Toga isn't enough to deal with us.

Toga tells us how it was decided that we would be taken here to not only give us fresh air but also to see all the demise that was created in the city. We can see the whole city from this height. I can see our building, I can see the place where I met Bakugou and Shigaraki, I can even see Dabi's house. There are also a few huge domes here and there. I hate it. It despises me how destroyed the place looks without a few buildings. I also hate how everyone looks happy to see the scenery. I sit at the edge of the hill. Shoyo doesn't want to talk to me so here I am, alone.

"Hi, there! Y/n right?" Toga cheers and runs up to me. "I always wanted to talk to you, how is it like being the only girl here?" She sits next to me. I guess she's up for a conversation. "Devastating," I reply. "I get it, I've been the only girl in the league too! It's been no fun since Magne died. I wish Ochako joined us."

"Uravity?" She nods. "Having her and Tsuyu around would've been nice but they are heroes. Shiggy won't let me." She likes Uravity and Froppy. Noted.

"What's the relationship between you and Dabi?" "Hm?" It's just, that you two seem close." "That's not true, I'm not fond of him at all." "Stain has his suspicions and I want to see if they're true." She stoops closer to me. A little too close for my comfort. "What kind of reaction will he give when he sees you all bloody~" Oh shit, she plans on pushing me off this hill. "Hey now hold on-"

"Toga um, Ren got hurt and his hand was bleeding." I hear Shoyo say from behind. Toga's eyes lit up in excitement as she ran towards Ren. I let out the breath I'd been holding for the past two minutes. I also make a note of the fact that I'll never sit on the edge again when I'm in a room full of villains.

"Thank you for saving me, Shoyo, I appreciate it," I say. "It looked like you needed it." We are silent for a few seconds before he musters up a sorry. I'm quite surprised, not expecting it. "I'm sorry for being mean to you. It's just I was really scared and I didn't know what to tell you and I got desperate and-"

"Hey," I put my hands on his shoulders. "Tell me what is going on. I promise I won't judge you or tell anyone." He's shivering. I wait patiently for him to calm down. "It's my family."

"My father- he was out of town during the attack. My mother, me and my sister were out shopping. We heard a huge noise- then another, and then the store started crashing down. A hero died saving us. She told us to hide till a hero came to help us. So we did. We hid in the remnants of the store, we survived on the broken packages of food for four days. And then my sister got sick- and I couldn't do anything for her." Tears start pouring down Shoyo's face. I shield him from everyone else. "I wanted to protect her but I knew I couldn't go out there. What if a villain found us? But soon, that didn't matter anymore. My sis kept getting worse. So I used my quirk. My quirk allows me to contact anyone nearby and anyone I've touched before and have a connection with. At that moment I contacted anyone who was nearby and this man with a car came by. I asked him for help and he gave me one condition, he said if I agreed to join the PLF and help them with my quirk he'd let my mum and sis to a refugee camp. I was desperate okay! I know it was wrong but I don't care. I did what I had to do to protect my family and I will continue to do it. I don't care if I have to live the life of a villain for the rest of my life if it means my family can be happy!"

I hug him. I hugged him so tight that I hoped I would never have to let go. "I don't have a lot of people that I know miss me right now. I was taken away from my family too you know, and I think you're wrong. I don't think your family is happy. I know mine isn't. I don't think what you did was wrong, but they miss you Shoyo. You miss them as well. Please, for your family. They need you and you need them. You have to get back to them." I let go of him. He rubs his eyes. Then he's nodding. "Okay. Okay, I will help you."

"Well if it makes you feel any better, if we fail, I'll take the blame." "No, I can't let you-" I wave him off. "Don't worry about it, Dabi won't let me get killed anytime soon."

"Well that was one rollercoaster of emotions wasn't it?" I freeze. Shoyo isn't speaking. Someone overheard us. There's no one around us. Oh no- no- no- "Look above you."


The Path of Being a Hero : Dabi's Daughter حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن