chapter 23

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I don't know what I did. Did I somehow trigger Shigaraki? Yesterday he told me that I am going to have to kill Shouto or I will die. He almost killed me himself. It's dinner time right now. Something's keeping me on edge. I feel like I'm actively being watched. It's a weirdly unsettling feeling.

I go to take my dinner tray. "Did you do something?" Ren asks, walking next to me to the counter. "I don't think so, why?" All of a sudden, he wraps an arm around me. I am left confused by his gesture. I look up at him. He hasn't dared to do anything like this since that one time. I feel him slide something into my pocket. "The League is watching us." He whispers in my ear, making me freeze. "Now now, act like you usually do. We don't want to make them suspicious."

Act like you usually do. "Get your hand off me!" I yell. Ren smirks and picks up his dinner tray and leaves.

I'm not sure how I should be acting. While Dabi is the type to turn a blind eye to whatever I do, Stain is not so kind. Toga already tried to kill me once and Shigaraki is not so fond of me. It is supposed to be a normal dinner, why are we being watched?

They must be watching us through the CCTV. I know for a fact that this is not Ren messing with me. I and Ren have somehow been on a bit more civil terms than before. He and I spend most of the time together with Dabi helping us with our quirks. Dabi never let us fight, he always distanced me from Ren anytime he could feel a storm erupting between us. I think he's too lazy to deal with the drama.

I take the seat next to Shoyo and I'm glad our place is the nearest to the CCTV. We are sitting right below it, I'm not even sure whether I can be seen right now. But I would rather not take that chance.

We got a burger today, and surprisingly, it is from McDonald's. I'm sure they aren't from Karumai, they probably have someone going in and out of Musutafu and had them buy it. Why would they go to such lengths to get us a burger? And why would they want to watch us eat it? I just keep staring at the burger because I'm confused about whether I should eat it or not. Next to me, Shoyo stuffs himself with it.

Suna comes up and sits in front of us. "Don't eat the burger, it's drugged." I drop mine on the tray and Shoyo starts choking his out. "I should've warned you to not create a scene. Now everyone is looking at us, well done." I rub Shoyo's back and we have to wait until all the eyes leave us.

"How do you know it's drugged?"

"The burgers at McDonald's are always wrapped in a specific way so that the burger doesn't fall out. An average employee uses this trick. A lot of the burgers, including Hinata's, are wrapped that way. A few burgers, like yours and mine, have different wrappings, meaning, they have been tampered with. Now, why else would the League tamper with the burgers? It's not poison since Dabi would not agree to you being poisoned. What else? Either we get high, or we are being drugged to sleep. I don't mind either way but I would rather not want to go through with what they planned for us."

"How did you- is your quirk working?"

"The first day with my cuffs I managed to get a hold of a screwdriver. I worked a bit on my cuffs and tampered with its controls enough for its quirk-canceling feature to stop working. I've been using my quirk as usual ever since."

"What should we do?"

"Well, for one Hinata should keep eating his safe burger so he doesn't arouse any suspicion, while you could stuff bit by bit in your bra when no one is looking. We are in the blind spot of the camera anyway." Ew, that's disgusting but it's not like I have a better plan. "Are you going to stuff it in your pockets?"

"That's the prime idea."

After 'dinner' is done we get sent to our rooms. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be waiting for. I start by throwing the burger remnants from my bra in the dustbin. I then remembered that Ren had slid something into my pocket. I open the paper chit.

The Path of Being a Hero : Dabi's Daughter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora