chapter 33

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What should I say? Kei figured out I wasn't telling the truth. I don't know what to tell him, or anyone else for that matter, they can't know that Dabi is my father. I wonder what Dabi's up to anyway, he thinks I'm dead. He's probably over it already. Not that I care.


"Hey kid, you're up early," I hear Kei's voice from the kitchen. "Yeah well when you sleep straight for seven days your sleep schedule gets a bit messed up," I mumble.

"I haven't made breakfast yet, what do you want to eat?"

I sit at the dining table. "Do you have some chicken wing leftovers of yours? I miss chicken wings."

"No, I haven't had chicken wings in a while, I can go pick it up from this nice place downtown,"

"Oh no, it's okay I'll have something else. Why haven't you been having them? It's so weird to see you without a bucket of chicken wings in your hand."

"Well kiddo, I was a little busy trying to find you. I didn't have much time." I'm not surprised but I still avert my eyes away on instinct.

"Sorry, I made you worry," I said lowly. Why did things have to turn so messy? Is this my doing?

"No, no, don't be sorry, please. None of this was your fault. Anyway, let's talk about something better."

"Sure," He's changing topics for my sake. I'm so glad he is because I need someone else to assure me I didn't do wrong.

"So when were you planning to tell me about your boyfriend?"

What? "Boyfriend?"

"Tallboy, black hair, blue eyes, goes by the name of Ren?" No way.

"How do you know of Ren?"

"I get why you would want to hide him, not the best idea to date a villain, hell I'm against it myself but that's the least of my problems right now. So if this boy makes you happy, be it."

"Woah, woah, hold on a second, who told you that he was my boyfriend?"

"He did. I caught him visiting you and confronted him and he told me about your little romance that went down back at that building. It's okay, I don't blame you, after everything you were going through things like these happen."

Ren visited me at the hospital. He told Kei he was my boyfriend. I will kill him the next time I see him. Still, it's so weird how Kei just believed that. I don't get it. "You believed him?"

"Initially no, but then I asked the other kids and they told me the same thing, along with that, your friends, Kageyama and Oikawa agreed as well."

"What do they even know-"

"You laid on his chest when you told him to stop fighting he stopped, you two were always spending time alone at the training center, him hugging you from the side and pressing his lips near your ear, ugh the details make me want to puke in my mouth but seriously, I'm not mad, you don't have to deny it." Oh my god. He's got such a wrong idea.

"Kei. I jumped on Ren to stop him from attacking Tooru. He stopped fighting because we both were too injured to move the other. The reason we two were in a different training center than the rest is because Dabi chose him and me ONLY to be trained specifically by him. I had no choice. Also, the only reason he hugged me was to whisper something important and slip something in my pocket because the whole League was watching us. Gosh, Kei, Tooru, and Tobio have no idea what went down and the other kids worship Ren because of the influence he has. The only reason Ren told you he was my boyfriend was so he could snag that 2 Million Yen."

The Path of Being a Hero : Dabi's Daughter Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang