chapter 13

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"Isn't this interesting." I gaze at the view in front of me. With a smirk and a cigarette between my lips, I arose from my position of leaning against the wall.

One boy from UA is dead, along with a hero. Zenon, a strong member of the paranormal liberation army is defeated, now lying on the ground with several burn marks on his body. And of course, the most eye-catching individual who defeated Zenon is also here.

She is not dead. I know. Then again, death isn't that far, seeing the immense amounts of blood pouring out of her system. I have been watching this show from the beginning. I and Zenon was sent to scan Musutafu as it is the area we planned on attacking next. We were supposed to be discreet but of course, the dimwit Zenon had to ruin it. I leave him alone for one minute and he's already killed two boys and is going after a chick. While I am quite proud that he took down a hero and a kid from UA but we were supposed to analyze the place in secrecy, it won't take time for the word to go around that Musutafu has been invaded by the villains.

It is hilarious how Zenon, one of the top members of PLF, was defeated by a kid. Reminded me of Muscular and Moonfish from back when
I had just joined the League. Even so, I have to admit the girl was impressive. Her proficiency in hand-to-hand combat was not something you usually see. Even so,

Why the fuck did she stab herself?

I don't know her but how can anyone be stupid enough to stab themselves without a reason? It's unsettling how less convincing it took to get herself to do that. Also, the second she jabbed herself with the bone I noticed something other than her blood fall out, from afar it looked like a microscopic device. I walk closer to it and pick it up. Wiping the blood off it, I take a good closer look at it. It was as I thought. A microscopic device, it also had thin wires, which I guess were connected to her internal system somehow. Now that all that is cleared, time to go on to the main topic.

Who. is. she?

I think hard about the most probable possibility but it seemed very uncanny and unusual. My father already had his masterpiece, Shouto. Why would he have another child?

Did Shouto also have problems with his quirk so Endeavour discarded him as well? No that's not it. Shouto did not have such a problem.

Then why?

I crouch down in front of her. I flip her on her back so I can get a closer look at her face.

What confuses me even more is how this girl went unnoticed by me. I kept tabs on the Todoroki's I even visited that house after my three years of... Rest. I didn't see her, there was only Shouto getting beat up by dear ol' dad.

I pick her up and start walking back to my car to take her to the nearest hospital to get a doctor to tend to her injuries. I need her alive. She has to answer all my questions.

I look at her sleeping face. Definitely a Todoroki. In our family, looks also play a part in understanding what kind of a quirk you have. Natsuo took his looks from our mother, resulting in an ice quirk. Fuyumi had grey eyes like our mother, but her white hair had streaks of red in them, an ice quirk, but stronger than usual ice. Shouto, is a perfect combination of both Rei and Enji, inheriting both their quirks.

Then there's me who inherited my father's eyes and my mother's hair, not getting a very good combination of the two resulted in me getting a quirk not compatible with my body. If this girl has the same looks as me and the same quirk, does she have scars like mine on her body as well?

I put her down on a nearby bench and looked for scars that might indicate something, but I could find none. Amusing. She is like the version that Touya wished so badly to be. Picking her back up I put her in the back seat of my car and drove at a faster pace than usual, seeing how the girl needed immediate medical attention.

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