chapter 2

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"What the- What the hell is going on over here?!" This time I heard a boy's voice, although I didn't bother looking up, knowing who it was.

"Oh um, nothing." Etsuko laughs nervously. "Let's leave girls." Etsuko and the other girls exit, leaving me alone there with the boy.

"Is that you- are you okay Akane?" He runs up to me and starts checking my wounds. Not that I want him to. They aren't deep, some of them are purplish-black while there is blood seeping out from the other places.

"I'm fine Kageyama. Although can you do me a favor and grab a few bandages from my bag?" I point at my bag which was thrown a few feet away.

"Oh, sure." He quickly picked up my bag removed a few bandages and gave them to me. I started putting on the bandages, luckily nothing visible was on my face other than the blood that was coming from my mouth. Kageyama sat opposite me, observing my movements. "If you can't defend yourself against bullies you might as well forget being a hero." He sighs.

"It's not that I can't defend myself, I just choose not to," I reply. "Why would you? Or are you making an excuse?"

"Well for one I don't see any point in fighting people like them and also the girl in the middle, the one with the brown hair; Etsuko, her father owns this school. One wrong move and I might just get kicked out. I don't need stuff like that to get on the perfect record I've tried so hard to make." With that, I wipe my face before getting up.

"See, I didn't make a move and I'm all good." Kageyama gets up as well.

"Why do they bully you?"

"Well," I chuckle, scratching the back of my head. "At first it was because I was quirkless but after that, they got jealous 'cuz I'm friends with Oikawa. And..that's about it."

"It's so stupid and childish of them," Kageyama says with an annoyed face.

"Yeah. Anyways, what brought you here?" I ask, quickly changing the subject.

"I play volleyball; I came to practice my serves. Do you know how to play?

"Erm, no."

"Do you want to play with me right now?"
"I don't want to bother you."

"No, I want to work on my sets anyway, so it's fine." I have half a mind to ask what he meant by 'sets' but decide against it, I do not want to come out sounding dumb.

"Alright then it's not like I've any work, let's do it."

We put the net up as Kageyama went ahead to stand in the middle of the court. "All you have to do is throw the ball above me, run ahead, jump right in front of the net, and spike the ball that I set for you. Got it?"

"Yeah. Easy enough." I throw the ball up as Kageyama goes right below it. I did as I was told and ran, jumping with my dominant hand up, which was left. I see the ball coming in my direction although it just goes past my chest. I frown at the confusion as I drop down. While Kageyama just stares at me like he has a lot of questions in his mind.

"Hold on, you're left-handed? And how did you jump that high?" "Yes, I'm left-handed and jumping is just a part of my workout routine. Anyway, let's try again." "Yeah, sure."

The second time they tried the ball went faster than expected. It happened again, and again and again.

"Kageyama, you're setting too fast."

"No, I am not, you're slow." Kageyama huffs, making me pout. I started playing like 5 minutes ago.

So this time I ran way faster, and as expected the ball didn't reach my speed. "Ha, look who's slow now!" I put my fist up in the air.

Kageyama tched, "Lets lea-"

"No, we gotta make a perfect spike first! Please!" I say before another voice interrupts me.

"Kids get out of here I need to clean the gym." The cleaning lady yelled, making me pout. I really wanted to do at least one spike. But not that it matters, Kageyama didn't want to.

"Oi, let's try again later." I heard Kageyama say, making me get a confused look on my face. I thought he didn't want to play with me.

"It's just, that we haven't made the perfect spike have we?" He let out before continuing, "Let me drop you home."

"No, it's okay I can go on my own," I say as we both pick up their bags and start walking.

"Those girls still haven't left, so they might be waiting for you. I'd rather not see a girl get beat up again." He replied. I didn't want to feel like I was being 'protected' by him, although Etsuko seemed madder than usual, so I might get visible scars if she approached me again. I did not want Keigo to see them.

"Fine, but I'll be making a detour if that's alright with you." I shrug. "Yeah, that's fine."

We both walked past Etsuko and her gang, the girls didn't make any signs of doing anything right now as Kageyama was right with me, although she did send a few glares to me, and I willfully ignored it.

My first stop was a flower shop where I bought a bouquet of white roses. Kageyama didn't question, I'm sure he just thought that I was fond of flowers.

We walk in comfortable silence as I lead the way to where we are heading next. After a few minutes, I stop, and so does Kageyama, although he seems confused. I'm sure he is wondering why we are in front of a cemetery.

"Akane?" "It's fine, just come," I said as I led him to the grave of the person I had meant to visit for quite some time.

"Yuki Akane?" Kageyama asked, reading the name written on the grave.

"My mother," I reply as I bend down and put the flowers.

"Oh... Why white roses?" He asked.

"They were her favorite flower. She said that they reminded her of my father. She also used to say that I am like a carbon copy of him so they reminded her of me as well." I give Kageyama a cheeky smile.

"What happened to your father?"
"To be honest, I'm not sure myself. Mum hardly ever spoke of him, although by the way she sounded, I think he isn't alive either." I turn back around.

"Bye mum, I won't be coming here that often anymore, because of finals and training and stuff. But I'll come as soon as I can." I get up and start walking. Kageyama bows in front of the grave, "It was nice meeting you." He then follows me.

"Not to invade your personal space but, do you live with your relatives now?"

"Not really, I don't know my father so his relatives were out of the question and Mum never introduced me to her relatives either. Maybe they are dead or maybe they are alive, I don't know. I live with my godfather, who is also my mum's best friend." "What about you Kageyama, you live with your parents?"

"No, my parents were heroes who died in battle. I don't remember them since I was young when they died. My sister and grandfather have raised me since then."

"So technically, we're both orphans?"
"I guess so."

"Akane, can we stop here as well, I need to buy something," Kageyama says stopping in front of a convenience store.
"Sure, I won't mind a soda either."

I follow Kageyama into the store where I go to get a can of soda while Kageyama goes the other way to buy what he was getting.


We hear someone yell from the entrance as a couple of gunshots go in the air. Kageyama tch'ed.

"I just wanted milk."


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