chapter 14

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I feel my eyes flutter open as I gaze at what's in front of me, a ceiling, although it looks unfamiliar. I look around, the walls are white and unpainted; on the left is a small light blue cabinet while I am on a single bed, which is placed in the upper middle section of the room.

I get up, a little too quickly for my body's liking, feeling immense amounts of pain in my abdomen. I grunt, clutching at my injury, and then I notice my right wrist being connected to an IV. I remove it, get out of bed, and slowly drag myself toward the door. I take the support of the wall to not fall. I try opening the door but it seems to be locked. Letting out a noise of annoyance I proceed to sit on the bed again.

"I'm alive." I mumble to myself, "Who saved me?" On cue, a man walks in through the door, making me jerk in surprise. He raises an eyebrow at me. I freeze realizing who he is. He gets comfortable on the empty chair opposite me.

"The doctor said that you'd wake up tomorrow. How are you feeling?" I stare at him, my body slightly shaking.

"Dabi." What did I get myself into?

"Good you know who I am, this will make it easier. Now you're gonna start talking. What is your name?"

"Y/n... Takami." Saying Akane will get me in more trouble.

"Yeah like hell you are." No way. He cannot know who I am. I have never seen him in real life before. Is he trying to bluff me? "Don't lie to me Todoroki."

Huh? Todoroki? What?

"I don't know who you think I am but I'm not a Todoroki." Isn't Todoroki Endeavour's family name?

Dabi sighs, "Your quirk is fire, blue fire. Don't lie to me, I also checked your-"

"There are a lot of people with a fire-related quirk in the world. Then according to you, everyone with such a quirk should be a Todoroki. That logic will make you into hm, Endeavor's son, perhaps?" I say. He grits his teeth before pulling me up by my collar and throwing me on the floor.

"Ow! Dude what is your pro-"

"I'm not his son. I'm not a part of that ass family." His eyes darken. I bite the inside of my cheek. It was just a small comment, why did he go all ballistic? Does he hate Endeavor that much? I try getting up, but my injured arms and legs don't give me any support to do so.

"What happened to my friends?" I ask, my voice involuntary becoming a bit meek. I know his answer, but that tiny twinge of hope within me just won't let me accept it.

"They're dead. You know that, don't ask stupid questions." I clench my fist and hold it close to my heart. Stupid, stupid hope.

I feel tears at the brim of my eyes but I don't let them fall. Not now, not in front of him. I have to be strong. "What do you want from me? You could've just left me to die."

"You are a Todoroki, you are a great hostage to use against Endeavour,"

"You're not listening to me, I'm not a Todoroki. Endeavour does not even know me."

"Oh yeah? Who are your parents then?"

"I don't know, they're dead. Probably died around the time I was born." Can't tell him about Mom.

"Who do you live with now?"

"My mother's friend who took me in since the time my parents died." Can't tell him about Kei either.

"Who took you in? What is their name?"

"Why are you so interested in my life, there isn't anything special with me. I'm not related to Endeavour, I'm not a hero yet, I don't have a quirk so please, I thank you for saving my life, but let. me. leave." I hissed, furious. Although seeing how he was the one sitting on the chair and I was the one on the floor, I looked like a little kid getting bullied by my senior. Really is not a good turn of events.

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