chapter 28

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Shouto does not look in good condition. One can only hope he's alive. It's the faint breathing patterns that make me believe his consciousness is barely there. His hero suit is barely hanging on his body, although most of it is torn anyway. The marks on his body look miserable as well, a few even look new.

"What happened to him?" I let out.

"He got what he deserved," What?

"You did this to him?" Dabi does not respond. "Has he even been given food?"

"Sometimes, not that he eats it anyway, I forced a loaf of bread in his mouth two days ago but that's about it." Oh my God. Sometimes I forget how mean Dabi is. Shouto does not look like he will last another day.

"He will die, he needs food."

"I have no interest in feeding him right now,"

"Then let me do it," I say. Dabi raises an eyebrow. "You'll force-feed him?"

"No, I won't force-feed him, I'm from UA, he'd listen to me." At least that's what I'm hoping for. Dabi chuckles. "Yes, because a UA student feeding him here will make a lot of sense." He says sarcastically.

"Give me a chance at least, he won't last another day if he doesn't eat now." Dabi thinks for a moment then makes a short call. A man comes towards us with a box of biscuits. Dabi holds it out to me. "If he doesn't start eating in two minutes we are leaving this place. Give me your hands." I gulp silently before walking towards him. I 'slip' on my foot, before falling flat on my butt. We hear a crack in my cuffs that I purposely smashed on the floor with my fall.

"Ow!" I mutter. Dabi does not bat an eye. I stand up. "I think they broke," I say and turn around for him to see it for himself. I also stabbed one of the cuff links in the cutup part of my wrists so it looks like they were the reason for my small injury. Did sting, although it was nothing compared to what was coming. He removes it from my hands. He removes my initial wrist cuff and puts it on my left wrist. I take the biscuits from his hand and proceed inside Shouto's cell without sparing another minute.

Two minutes. That is all I have to convince Shouto Todoroki.

"Hey, um Shouto?" I crouch in front of him. He bats an eye at me for a fraction of a second before looking away. "Leave me alone." He says sternly. Even his voice croaks as he speaks, he hasn't drunk anything either.

"Please eat this, you'll die if you don't," I say in a low voice. He lifts a hand and smacks the packet out of my hand. "No, leave." His stern voice repeats. I went to pick it up. Tears fill the brink of my eyes when I look back at him.

"Please eat, they'll hurt me if you don't," I whisper. Shouto finally looks at me. "What?"

"I'm from UA, I got kidnapped and they told me if I couldn't get you to eat they'll hurt me, Shouto Aizawa is my Sensei as well." He looks straight into my eyes, to see if I'm lying. Unfortunately for him, living with Kei kind of made me a pro at lying, and as I thought, he bought my lie. I didn't have the time to tell him the whole truth anyway.

"If Eraserhead is your Sensei, tell me the one thing he says to everyone at the Orientation?" He asks.

"We didn't have an orientation, we had a quirk assessment test instead." Shouto's lips curl up in a small smile. He now gently takes the biscuits from my hand and starts slowly eating them.

"Don't react, Dabi is watching from behind me but there's an escape happening in 7 minutes," I say in a low voice. Shouto gives me a small nod, letting me know he's listening.

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