chapter 31

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I had planned my death. More than planned, I anticipated it. Me against the League? I knew how that was going to end. I'm glad I took down a few before dying, I wish I could've taken them all down. Although there's no point in worrying about that now, it's not like I can do anything about it anymore. I woke up in this quiet place about a minute ago. The floor is wholly white and the sky is filled with light pinkish-bluish clouds. It's pretty.

I think this is what they call heaven. I walk around the place. What am I supposed to do now, wait for some angel to come to pick me up? This place may be pretty but it already feels lonely. I walk around for a little more while before some scene flashes right in front of me. It was like a holographic view.

The scene was Mum's death.

Never in a million years, I would've thought I'd have to see this again. Over the years the day Mum died had become a hazy memory for me. But here it was, jogging my memory of that grave day.

I close my eyes and nod my head sideways letting out a deep breath. I turn around just to see another memory.

Me crying at Mum's funeral.

I turn to the right. When I got kidnapped at the age of 9.

Then I turn to the left. Me getting bullied at school.

All memories started caging me in. The day Atsumu and Osamu died. The day I found my real father. The day I tried to escape. The day I met Shigaraki again, the day I fought the Nomus, and lastly,

The day I died.

Dread, guilt, fear, sadness, and shame engulfed me all at once as I fell to my knees. I closed my eyes tightly and covered my ears with my hands. This wasn't heaven. This was hell. My hell. What did I do to deserve this? I stayed still for so long that it felt like hours had passed by. Everything was quiet all of a sudden. I stopped covering my ears and slowly opened my eyes. I stilled. I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. This wasn't real. It can't be. There she was, standing in front of me,


I didn't care. I didn't care if she was real or if it was just a dream. I ran up to her and hugged her as tightly as I could. She hugged me back. It was her, I could feel it.

"Hey sweetheart, how have you been?"

"I missed you so much!" I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks. I could not believe it. It was her voice. I remember her voice. She lets go and puts her hand on my shoulders gazing at my face.

"Look at you, all grown up. You look so much like your father." I feel a sting in my heart. My father. Why Dabi? I look nothing like him. His black hair, his scars, the only thing we share is the blue eyes, other than our quirk.

"Where are we?"

"This is your soul. Clean, pure, innocent, just like you." I'm not pure or innocent. If I was I wouldn't have re-lived the worst moments of my life just a few instances ago.

"How are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be? It's your heart, I'll always be here." I smile and rub my eyes. She chuckles, pulling my cheeks and lightly slaps them. "Tell me everything,"

We sat down. Even though I was pretty broken down before her aura made me feel better. It made me feel safe. Just like it used to back then.

"After you died, Kei took me in. He took care of me, just like you did."

"I knew he would, I made him your godfather, he's been good right?"

"Yeah, he's great actually, I just miss him a lot these days." Damn it, I can't see him ever again. Did I have to kill myself? Was there another way?

No. Don't second guess yourself Y/n you'll only regret it more.

"Why? Where has he been?"

"Well, he's at home only, I think, I'm the one who hasn't been around lately, but that's a bad road, I don't wanna talk about it. Anyway, I've gotten really strong you know, all your books helped me out a lot, someday I could've gotten stronger than you too."

"Is that so?" She stands up, "Spar with me,"

"What? Really?"

"Only way for me to know how strong you've gotten, and for old time's sake," Mum stretches her arms as I quickly get up. I beat Dai, I can fight Mum.

I back away and look around. The place was so white and so empty, that I noticed the sky started getting darker, as if setting itself to the mood. Mum took her stance, the unique stance, which baffled every person who fought her. I've learned how to use it and I was determined to win against it.

I strike first which she blocks while I swiftly kick her hand pushing her aside. Mum's eyes widened, "You've grown quite strong," she says as I landed more strikes, each echoing through the air.

I try landing another kick but she dodges for the first time, dodging more and more of my attacks. Mum's lips curve up into a smile as she finally breaks away and steps back.

We spar for a few more minutes, and I don't fail to notice how Mum isn't holding back. I use a special attack consisting of an axe kick, hoping to catch her off guard. However, to my luck, she instantly counters it, as if she saw it coming.

"Don't forget who taught you that move," She says before I fall to the ground in an attempt to dodge her counter.

Breathing heavily, we locked eyes, and I smiled, "See, I'm not half bad right?" I say. She gave me a hand and I took it and stood

"One day you'll turn into someone better and stronger than me for sure, I know it, but for now, unfortunately,

it's time."


"You have to go now."

"Go where? What are you talking about?"

"Back to your normal life. You're not dead sweetheart, you need to go now,"

"What? It doesn't make any sense! If I'm not dead then where are we?"

"Your heart, sweetie as I said, this is your world. And I'm glad I could meet you here one last time, you've grown... so beautiful. I love you so much, and I will always be with you, okay?"

"No...I don't want to go, I want to stay with you."

"Aww, kiddo, I will always be here," She touches my chest, "In your heart," Tears start flowing from my eyes. I clutch onto her as tight as I can. I don't want to lose her, not again, not ever.

"Don't go," I whisper but she is starting to fade away. I can't stop her. She hugs me again, although I know that this will be the last.

"Wait, Mum, Dad- who is he- really-?"

"I can't tell you, you'll find out soon enough."


Happy New Year! I'm hoping to be consistent with the incoming chapters. That's my New Year's resolution anyway.
Have a great one everyone!:)

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