chapter 27

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The car ride is a bit uncomfortable. It is also quite far from the prison center. We left at 3, after lunch, and it's 3:30 right now, I think? Gosh, I wish I could just get a watch. I told Bakugou and others to come at 4 but I'm not sure either of us will be ready by then. I'm all the more worried about whether they will even come. I don't know where the prison center is, and memorizing the routes right now is of no use.

"How much longer?" I ask.

"Five minutes." Oh good.

We arrive outside the enormous building. I can see loads of security everywhere. Although I don't think it'll make things that hard. They don't look very strong. What's hard is dodging the League. And that's my job.

When I leave the car Dabi walks towards my side. He tells me to turn around, I don't want to, but I do. It takes me a second to realize that he's putting on different quirks. The one that binds both of my hands to my back. You have to be kidding me.

"Seriously?" I ask, annoyed. "Precautions," I huff, this precaution isn't going to help him anymore.

I take in a deep breath as we walk in. No one questions why I am here, I guess that has to do with me being with Dabi. They probably think I'm a prisoner.

In the beginning, there are empty cells, then we enter deeper into the huge corridor. On both sides are small prisons with heroes. I don't know most of them, but the last I heard all of them were considered missing. We take a left and a right, then we come across a lift. There are no stairs whatsoever. Dabi whips a card out of his pocket and swipes it as the lift doors open. So you need the card to get around here. Noted.

We move onto the next floor. The ceilings on every floor are enormous, one floor's height measures up to three normal floors. Ironically, there are only three floors as per the lift. Dabi looks bored as we go through all the prisons. I keep a count of how many we pass by simultaneously. Right now, the first floor consists of thirty-seven prisoners.

Thirty-eight, thirty-nine... I falter. No way.

I run towards the prison cell on the left. My breath gets caught in my throat when I see the prisoner inside through the glass pane.

Katsumi Etsuko.

How did she end up here? She doesn't look like she's harmed, just a bit dirty. Etsuko is sitting on the floor. She has an annoyed look on her face but other than that, she's okay. I guess.

She looks at me through the pane but shows absolutely no reaction. Huh?

"It's a one-way glass, she can't see us. Do you know her?"

"She's a... Friend." He picks his card out of his pocket again, then swipes it through a machine attached to the door. The machine beeps as we see information pull up on Etsuko.

"UA got captured by Zenon a few days ago, quirk- poison gas. Boring." I don't say anything, I'm not sure if I can. Zenon captured her, but she didn't look harmed.

"Didn't take Zenon to leave a hero alive without... Doing something."

"Shigaraki ordered everyone to restrict killing the heroes for a while and bringing them here for your Grand Finale."

"Do you want to meet her?" No. Hell no. I don't say it out loud. "She's dying tomorrow anyway, go see your friend." In a fast motion, Dabi types something on the machine as the doors open and with his hand on my back he urges me inside. The doors close behind me as Etsuko stares at me in surprise.

Please for the love of God don't say anything stupid.

"You bitch." Ah, shit.

"Hey, uh long time no see," I drawl, ignoring her. My back is to Dabi so he can't see my face. He can hear us, so I just give her a warning expression to shut the hell up. However, even in these circumstances, she doesn't listen to me.

The Path of Being a Hero : Dabi's Daughter حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن